Borotvaéles római kardokat találtak egy izraeli barlangban A fegyvereket valószínűleg júdeai lázadók rejtették el egy sziklahasadékba. #Holt-tenger #régészet #tudomány #izrael #kard
#holt #regeszet #tudomany #izrael #kard
#JukeboxFridayNight theme: #GettingDirty
Icky by KARD
#jukeboxfridaynight #gettingdirty #kpop #kard
Kard best co-ed award and T5 best unit award, let's go!!! :youngeunwooh: :youngeunwooh: :youngeunwooh: :sparkling_stars: 🏆 :sparkling_stars:
#kard #bxarchivekard #treasure #bxarchivetreasure
19. What's your favourite song, moment, episode, etc. from your current fandom?
Since I had an EXTREMELY difficult time coming up with one single thing to share, have this!
S2 of Hwaiting by Dive Studios is my comfort rewatch these days. There are a total of 5 episodes, and each episode is about 20 min long. The competitors are 6 of my all-time fav English-speaking idols: Ten and Yangyang of #WayV, Eric, Kevin, and Jacob of #TheBoyz, and BM of #KARD.
Episode 3 is my favourite, because they play my favourite game - the one where one member has noise-cancelling headphones playing loud music, and they're trying to make out what the other member is saying - but it's sooo worth watching all 5 episodes!
#KPopMonday theme: #ThenAndNow (the debut song and a current song from the same artist.)
Co-ed group KARD
Debut: Hola Hola
Recent release: Icky
#kpopmonday #thenandnow #kpop #kard
Anyone else going to see #KARD in Louisville, KY? I just secured my tickets today!
:joylaugh: they did Not!!!! :ahannilaugh:
【動画】KARD、「MUSIC BANK」事前収録のためKBSに到着の様子。。
this fight between bm and somin :ahannilaugh: :awoncute2:
#kard #bxarchivekard
i've never had a single original thought
I love #blackpink #itzy #straykids #skz #kard #jisoo #jennie #rose
#blackpink #itzy #straykids #skz #kard #jisoo #jennie #rose
lovvvve their outfits :hanniheart:
jtbc's camerawork :aleeseothumbsup:
watching every "spicy" and "icky" performances :aMashiroCheer: my may faves :haerinheart:
#kard #bxarchivekard #aespa #bxarchiveaespa
they're *all* hot, i'm stressed :yooaNLT: