Anton Petrov
Where Are All The Alien Robots? Hart-Tipler Conjecture and What It Gets Wrong
#AntonPetrov #alien #blackHole #colonisation #FermiParadox #FrankTipler #HartTiplerConjecture #HawkingRadiation #KardashevScale #megastructure #PenroseProcess #SETI #vonNeumanMachine
#antonpetrov #alien #blackhole #colonisation #fermiparadox #franktipler #harttiplerconjecture #hawkingradiation #kardashevscale #megastructure #penroseprocess #seti #vonneumanmachine
FTR my feelings about the #KardashevScale are pretty much the same as about the #FermiParadox: As fictional constructs, I guess they're fine, but neither really makes much sense when you step outside paradigm-boundaries of modern humans.
People take them so seriously, though.
Used to be on a 'worldbuilding' group on FB & boy howdy some dudes (always dudes) there were OBSESSED with #KardashevScale ranking. But in this deeply weird way - like, "my WiP has a K5 [sic*] civilization - what kinds of clothes should they wear?"
I'm pretty sure a "#Kardsashev 5" civilization is gonna be beyond our ability to comprehend. Hell, that's probably true of K2.
*this would inevitably generate utterly epic 'well actually' subthreads nitpicking the vagaries of the Kardashev Scale.
What Do Aliens Look Like? The Kardashev Scale #KardashevScale #civilizations #civilisations #aliens
#kardashevscale #civilizations #civilisations #aliens