Great commentary on the GOP debate! #KareemAbdulJabbar
"On a sunny Saturday in LA’s historic St. Elmo Village, #KareemAbdulJabbar, the City of Los Angeles, and Getty mapped out a future for preserving an oft-overlooked sector of the city’s history by listening to the people who live here." #LosAngeles #Preservation
#preservation #losangeles #kareemabduljabbar
From the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Any woman supporting Trump is like the Lakota tribe saying, “Gen. Custer’s not such a bad guy.””
Another great article from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, but that vigilance isn’t just building a military. It’s also a commitment to being well informed in order to make intelligent decisions about the country. When we’re under attack from political lies and dis-information, the only defense is critical thinking.”
#kareemabduljabbar #uspolitics
From the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Every time Florida passes a law, an angel loses its wings.”
#kareemabduljabbar #uspolitics
From #KareemAbdulJabbar
“One way to distinguish a legitimate news organization from a biased platform for propaganda is that when the legit outlet make a mistake, they instantly correct and take responsibility for the error.”
Another great post from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“The one thing successful business people have learned is that if you tell people what they want to hear, they’ll follow you anywhere. The evidence is Trump’s idiocy made public on a daily basis—from his own mouth. Yet, it has no effect on his greedy followers.”
From the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Politicians are more practical: the less children know about history and critical thinking, the more likely they are to vote Republican and to endorse GOP policies even when they have no evidence.”
From the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“These political wannabes think they can pilot our country based on nothing but their own inflated egos, but their actual abilities have resulted in crash after crash.”
#kareemabduljabbar #uspolitics
From the estimable #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Religion—which should inspire us to be more loving toward each other—should never be used to justify heinous acts against each other.”
2 great quotes from the latest article from the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“The Founders remembered all too well that the country was founded by those fleeing persecution by Christian zealots who demanded everyone follow their interpretation of morality.”
“Shouldn’t an ethical political party be meeting to discuss creating policies that will appeal to voters rather than how to circumvent democracy by keeping citizens from voting?”
Fro the great #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Data from the report also shows racial disparity in these laws: “when the shooter is white and the victim is black, the white shooter is 10 times more likely to have their actions deemed justified than when the shooter is black and the victim is white.””
So much good info in this article. Read it.
So much good stuff in this article from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“often times the efforts by conservatives in small towns to protect their children from sex by limiting their information about sex results in teen pregnancy, early marriage, and limited education, career, and economic prospects. Girls are saddled with the de facto responsibility of preventing pregnancy and then bear the blame if they get pregnant as well as the heavier burden of parenthood.”
Happy birthday, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!
#kareemabduljabbar #lakers #nba #basketball #basketballcards #cardart
#kareemabduljabbar #lakers #nba #basketball #basketballcards #cardart
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest basketball players ever, #KareemAbdulJabbar!
Words of wisdom from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Since Thomas’ appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, I’ve considered him to be one of the least intelligent and most prejudiced Justices.”
“When you enable racism by denying it, that makes you a racist. I don’t care how much you profess love for LeBron or Beyonce, you’re still a racist.”
There are many more. Great article.
From #KareemAbdulJabbar
“when you stop asking who’s right or wrong, that’s what causes liberty to slip away. Then you’re just blindly picking any side, which means you’re not really fighting for anything, just for the sake of fighting.”
Another great post from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“Republicans need a bogeyman to rally fearful conservatives because they have no platform to address the country’s economic, educational, and social issues. All they have is an enemies list.”
Another great read from #KareemAbdulJabbar
“‘I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don’t have access to enough food to eat,’ State Sen. Steve Drazkowski”
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar on how propaganda has corrupted public perception of concepts such as feminism.
#Feminism #Woke #Propaganda #Education #CriticalThinking #Substack #KareemAbdulJabbar
#feminism #woke #propaganda #education #criticalthinking #substack #kareemabduljabbar