So, last night was all about #DialOfDestiny
As a huge Indiana Jones fan I loved the film. It’s Indy in his twilight years. Some great plot twists & #HarrisonFord was sensational. Fabulous to see #KarenAllen (made the film for me!) and of course my friend, the great #JohnRhysDavies
#dialofdestiny #harrisonford #karenallen #johnrhysdavies
I just watched Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold, 2023) and rated it 7/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #IndianaJones #TheDialOfDestiny #HarrisonFord #KarenAllen #PhoebeWallerBridge
#PhoebeWallerBridge #karenallen #harrisonford #thedialofdestiny #indianajones #cinemastodon #cinema #films
Focus #IndianaJones 4/5
Indiana Jones et le Royaume du crâne de cristal (2008)
Un scénario fourre-tout et casse-gueule (…) esthétiquement parlant, le rendu est particulièrement laid.
#StevenSpielberg #HarrisonFord #KarenAllen #ShiaLaBeouf #Film #Cinema #Aventure
#indianajones #stevenspielberg #harrisonford #karenallen #shialabeouf #film #cinema #aventure
'Indiana Jones' actress Karen Allen says she found the final chapter of Indy and Marion Ravenwood bittersweet #IndianaJones #KarenAllen #IndyandMarionRavenwood #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #indyandmarionravenwood #karenallen #indianajones
Contrasting #SupermanReturns, I won't be seeing #DialOfDestiny very soon, maybe not even in theaters. I like #IndianaJones fine, but I wasn't thrilled w/ #CrystalSkull, and I knew DoD wouldn't have #KarenAllen, so I have less incentive to see it. I don't think you can expect an aging audience to pack theaters time and again.
#supermanreturns #dialofdestiny #indianajones #crystalskull #karenallen
Focus #IndianaJones 1/5
Les Aventuriers de l'arche perdue (1981)
Un film qui n’a rien perdu de sa superbe, culte et intemporel.
#LesAventuriersDeLarchePerdue #StevenSpielberg #HarrisonFord #KarenAllen #JohnRhysDavies #Film #Cinema #Aventure
#indianajones #lesaventuriersdelarcheperdue #stevenspielberg #harrisonford #karenallen #johnrhysdavies #film #cinema #aventure
I personally prefer Crystal Skull to Temple of Doom and Last Crusade b/c Crystal Skull has #KarenAllen, #MarionRavenwood. There's my reason.
We all know Marion Ravenwood and Monkey Man are the OTP from Indiana Jones. #IndianaJones #MarionRavenwood #KarenAllen #MonkeyMan #VicTablian
#indianajones #marionravenwood #karenallen #monkeyman #victablian
“No eres el hombre que conocí hace diez años.”
“No son los años, cariño, es el rodaje.”
- Indiana Jones & Marion Ravenwood, Indiana Jones: En busca del arca perdida (1981)
#indianajones #enbuscadelarcaperdida #raidersofthelostark #harrisonford #karenallen #stevenspielberg
#indianajones #enbuscadelarcaperdida #raidersofthelostark #harrisonford #karenallen #stevenspielberg
Les Seigneurs (1979)
Le Bronx, son melting-pot et ses bandes rivales, bref une passionnante étude sociologique.
#LesSeigneurs #TheWanderers #Gang #Ghetto #PhilipKaufman #KarenAllen #KenWahl #Film #Cinema #LesRascals
#lesseigneurs #thewanderers #gang #ghetto #philipkaufman #karenallen #kenwahl #film #cinema #lesrascals
43 years ago:
Cruising (DE,US)
A serial killer brutally slays and dismembers several gay men in New York's S&M and leather districts. The young police officer Steve Burns is sent undercover onto the streets as a decoy for the murderer. Working almost completely isolated from his department, he has to learn and practice the comple...
#Cruising #WilliamFriedkin #AlPacino #PaulSorvino #KarenAllen #UnitedArtists #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies
#cruising #williamfriedkin #alpacino #PaulSorvino #karenallen #unitedartists #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies
"This site also demonstrates one of the great dangers of archaeology; not to life and limb, although that does sometimes take place. I'm talking about folklore."
🌄Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
🤠Steven Spielberg. 💥1981.
#SaturdayofAdventure #IndianaJones #RaidersOfTheLostArk #StevenSpielberg #HarrisonFord #KarenAllen #PaulFreeman #30s #GeorgeLucas #movienight #adventure #motionpicture #photography #movie #classicmovie #temple #raiders #film #screenplay
#saturdayofadventure #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #stevenspielberg #harrisonford #karenallen #paulfreeman #30s #georgelucas #movienight #adventure #motionpicture #photography #movie #classicmovie #temple #raiders #film #screenplay