I’ve just finished #KarenArmstrong’s The Case For God and it seems to offer such a profound but coherent reinterpretation of religion - emphasising practice, engagement and ‘unknowing’ over doctrine and scientific ‘truth’ - that it’s hard to know what to make of it.
But I can see it having a deep and lasting impact on my thinking.
@FransWeisscher Ja, helaas Frans, de bijbel is een tamelijk dier- en vrouwonvriendelijk boekje.
Toen al geschreven door bange mannen. Monotheistische godsdiensten zijn de bron van alle ellende en het was niet voor niks dat het paradijs dicht ging toen de mens verscheen….
Maar ik heb goed nieuws; de natuur redt het prima zonder de mens.
#bijbel #dierleed #vrouwenhaat #karenarmstrong
@benjones I finished The Spiral Staircase earlier this month; Sacred Nature I have on reserve. So looking forward to it, and all the more so after reading this post. She's such a beautiful writer.
#karenarmstrong #sacrednature #spirituality #nature
So little time. So many books. Starting Karen Armstrong's book on Sacred Natrue. https://books.theunseen.city/user/scottyoumans/generatednote/44139#anchor-44139 #KarenArmstrong #SacredNature #Cosmology #Books #Reading
#karenarmstrong #sacrednature #cosmology #books #Reading
Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it & practice diligently day by day