AccaddeOggi nel 2013 muore 74enne l'attrice americana #KarenBlack la Mother Firefly de #LaCasaDei1000Corpi
#karenblack #lacasadei1000corpi
Karen Black, una delle attrici più importanti della "New Hollywood", morì a Los Angeles l'8 agosto 2013. Ovviamente recitò anche in Easy Rider.
#8agosto #AccaddeOggi #karenblack #newhollywood #easyrider #cinema #film #movie
#8agosto #accaddeoggi #karenblack #NewHollywood #EasyRider #cinema #film #movie
Gizmodo: 10 Horror Movies to Watch on Shudder Right Now #thetexaschainsawmassacre #entertainmentculture #christiantafdrup #chuckconnors #aliensjason #gawkermedia #jamesmcavoy #bettedavis #houseofwax #karenblack #larrycohen #horrorfilm #witchboard #oliverreed #dancurtis #annacamp #sam #io9 #it
#thetexaschainsawmassacre #entertainmentculture #christiantafdrup #chuckconnors #aliensjason #gawkermedia #jamesmcavoy #bettedavis #houseofwax #karenblack #larrycohen #horrorfilm #witchboard #oliverreed #dancurtis #annacamp #sam #io9 #it
Burnt Offerings is on #Shudder (in the US, at least). Highly recommend this beautifully creepy, slow burn of a film. Karen Black, Bette Davis, Oliver Reed, and Burgess Meredith await you. Go watch it.
#Horror #HorrorMovie #CultClassic #SlowBurn #Movie #Cinema #Film #BetteDavis #KarenBlack #OliverReed #BurgessMeredith @horror
#shudder #horror #horrormovie #cultclassic #slowburn #movie #cinema #film #bettedavis #karenblack #oliverreed #burgessmeredith
> The house takes care of itself.
#OnThisDate, July 1, Burnt Offerings (Dan Curtis, 1976) is the #FilmDuJour. #USA #Italy #DanCurtis #KarenBlack #OliverReed #BurgessMeredith #horror #1970s #film #cinema #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film ★★½
#onthisdate #filmdujour #USA #italy #dancurtis #karenblack #oliverreed #burgessmeredith #horror #1970s #film #cinema #filmastodon #cinemastodon
watching 'burnt offerings', lads. someone please tell me that oliver reed & bette davis got pissed as uproarious farts every night on set.
#horror #cinema #karenBlack #betteDavis #oliverReed #film
#Film #oliverreed #BetteDavis #karenblack #cinema #horror
51 years ago:
Portnoy's Complaint (US)
During a session with his psychoanalyst, Alexander Portnoy rants about everything that is bothering him. His complaints include his childhood and his family with an emphasis on his mother, his sexual fantasies and the problems that he has with women, and his obsessive feelings about his Judaism.
#PortnoysComplaint #RichardBenjamin #KarenBlack #LeeGrant #Movies
#portnoyscomplaint #richardbenjamin #karenblack #leegrant #movies
34 years ago today:
Miami Vice
S5E16: Victims of Circumstance
Holocaust survivors are being murdered in Miami. Crockett and Switek infiltrate a White-supremacist group that might be responsible.
Airdate: 1989-05-05
#MiamiVice #DonJohnson #PhilipMichaelThomas #JohnLeguizamo #KarenBlack #NBC #ClassicTV
#miamivice #donjohnson #philipmichaelthomas #johnleguizamo #karenblack #nbc #classictv
35 years ago:
Dixie Lanes
A small-town Southern family may have survived World War II, but will they survive a family reunion?
#DixieLanes #HoytAxton #KarenBlack #ArtHindle #Film
#dixielanes #HoytAxton #karenblack #arthindle #film
56 years ago today:
The Big Valley
S2E29: Days of Grace
Heath is wrongfully arrested for attempted rape, and is helped by a nun who used to be his girlfriend.
Airdate: 1967-04-17
#TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck #RichardLong #KarenBlack #ABC #tvshows
#thebigvalley #barbarastanwyck #richardlong #karenblack #abc #tvshows
Tonight in 1975 — #TrilogyOfTerror debuted on ABC.
#DarkShadows mastermind Dan Curtis directed this TV movie starring #KarenBlack.
Pure 1970s nightmare fuel.
#nostalgia #1970s #1970stv #classictv #karenblack #darkshadows #trilogyofterror
🎬 #KarenBlack is a cult #superstar for reasons.
Cap from "Drive, He Said" (1971).
Karen Black in “Drive, He Said”
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #DriveHeSaid #KarenBlack
#tcmparty #tcmunderground #drivehesaid #karenblack
🎬 William Tepper and #KarenBlack star in #JackNicholsonr's "Drive, He Said" (1971). Anti-establishment realness. Screening now @TCM.
47 years ago:
Crime and Passion (GB,DE)
Original title: Ace Up My Sleeve
Financier persuades his mistress to marry a rich industrialist for his money, then discovers that he and the new wife are to be murdered by her new husband.
#CrimeandPassion #OmarSharif #KarenBlack #JosephBottoms #AmericanInternationalPictures #AIP #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#crimeandpassion #omarsharif #karenblack #josephbottoms #americaninternationalpictures #aip #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Many great moments in #thedayofthelocusts- a hanky panky Hollywood party, sexually charged tequila drinking contest, evangelist stage show, grand Waterloo set disaster, bloody cockfights, the riot & mayhem at the premiere of DeMille's Buccaneers. It’s visually spectacular- feigning that old soft Hollywood look to the maximum exaggeration, matching its ambitious crazy script. Schlesinger was much edgier filmmaker than everyone gave him credit for. #karenblack #donaldsutherland #johnschlesinger
#thedayofthelocusts #karenblack #donaldsutherland #johnschlesinger
Come December I pick up some haunting reading. Instead of revisiting #M_R_James or other such #Victorian scribes of the #supernatural this year I have just finished and enjoyed #MichellePaver's #DarkMatter and am about to start #BurntOfferings by #RobertMarasco. Never read it before but have seen the unsettling #FilmAdaptation starring #BetteDavis , #OliverReed and #KarenBlack numerous times 👻 🎄
#ghoststoriesforchristmas #m_r_james #victorian #supernatural #michellepaver #darkmatter #burntofferings #robertmarasco #filmadaptation #bettedavis #oliverreed #karenblack
Come December I pick up some haunting reading. Instead of revisiting #M_R_James or other such #Victorian scribes of the #supernatural this year I have just finished and enjoyed #MichellePaver's #DarkMatter and am about to start #BurntOfferings by #RobertMarasco. Never read it before but have seen the unsettling #FilmAdaptation starring #BetteDavis , #OliverReed and #KarenBlack numerous times 👻 🎄
#ghoststoriesforchristmas #m_r_james #victorian #supernatural #michellepaver #darkmatter #burntofferings #robertmarasco #filmadaptation #bettedavis #oliverreed #karenblack
INVISIBLE DAD (1998) from director Fred Olin Ray, and starring Daran Norris (Veronica Mars/iZombie), Karen Black and Charles Dierkop is only $0.99 cents to purchase on Prime Video. The writing is bad, but I found this highly enjoyable.
Fred Olin Ray made 4 of these invisible parent movies.
Invisible Mom (1996)
Mom's Outta Sight (1998)
Invisible Mom II (1999)
#cosomovies #fredolinray #karenblack #darrannorris #charlesdierkop #invisibledad #invisibleman #theinvisibleman
#theinvisibleman #invisibleman #invisibledad #charlesdierkop #darrannorris #karenblack #fredolinray #Cosomovies