Today in #Connecticut History, July 25: New Haven-born Duo Tops the Charts with “an Oldie But a Goodie”
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#20thcentury #arts #carpenters #connecticuthistory #july #karencarpenter #musichistory #newhaven #popularculture #popularmusic #richardcarpenter #thecarpenters
#connecticut #20thcentury #arts #carpenters #connecticuthistory #july #karencarpenter #musichistory #newhaven #popularculture #popularmusic #richardcarpenter #thecarpenters
voor 1000den tracks en 100den hits.
#arethafranklin, #DianaRoss, #PhilipBailey,...
Pipes of peace van #PaulMcCartney.
Hij werkt samen met #QuincyJones de albums van #thecarpenters en het postuum album van #KarenCarpenter af.
Speelt op het debuut van #WhitneyHouston, #MariahCarey, #KylieMinogue...
Speelt op elk solo album van #StevieNicks en #ChakaKhan.
En zelfs #IlseDeLange maakt gebruik van zijn diensten op het album #TheGreatEscape.
De beste en grootste onbekende gitarist ooit.
#arethafranklin #dianaross #philipbailey #paulmccartney #quincyjones #thecarpenters #karencarpenter #whitneyhouston #mariahcarey #kylieminogue #stevienicks #chakakhan #ilsedelange #thegreatescape
2 maart 1950 - 4 februari 1983
Karen studeerde drums aan Downey High School en volgt ook les bij #BillDouglass ze is grote fan van de drummers #RingoStarr en #JoeMorello en wil ook dezelfde Ludwig drumkit, op een jaar tijd kan ze de meest ingewikkelde stukken aan.
In 1967 ontvangt ze The #JohnPhilipSousa Band Award, aan Long Beach State behaalt ze het diploma muziek en wordt ze lid van The Long Beach State Chior onder leiding van #FrankPooler, die
#karencarpenter #billdouglass #ringostarr #joemorello #johnphilipsousa #frankpooler
#TheCarpenters #AKindOfHush #KarenCarpenter #RichardCarpenter #MyRecordCollection #Series #NornCutson #Illustration #Design #Illustrator #Art #Artist #AYearForArt #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #MixedMedia #MastoArt #MastoCreative #AVLArt #AVLArtists #AVLArts #RecordCollection #BuyIntoArt #SpringIntoArt
#thecarpenters #akindofhush #karencarpenter #richardcarpenter #myrecordcollection #series #NornCutson #illustration #design #illustrator #art #artist #ayearforart #DigitalArt #ArtMatters #mixedmedia #MastoArt #mastocreative #avlart #avlartists #avlarts #recordcollection #BuyIntoArt #springintoart
Rainy Days and Mondays | The Carpenters
#rainydaysandmondays #carpenters #karencarpenter
La tragica vita di Karen Carpenter raccontata da Todd Haynes in un controverso film sperimentale con barbie al posto di attori.
#TheKarenCarpenterStory #KarenCarpenter #RichardCarpenter #ToddHaynes #Barbie #CynthiaSchneider #BarryEllsworth #anoressia
#thekarencarpenterstory #karencarpenter #richardcarpenter #ToddHaynes #barbie #cynthiaschneider #barryellsworth #anoressia
James McMahon: Lucy O'Brien on the search for the real Karen Carpenter. #Music #KarenCarpenter
@T @darnielle Oh yeah, the 60s/70s/80s/90s/00s, that was a popular decade for eating disorders/heroin chic...
#Twiggy #KarenCarpenter #MamaCass #KateMoss #EtAl
#Twiggy #karencarpenter #mamacass #katemoss #etal
Minstens drie postume muzikale verjaardagen vandaag: van #LouReed, #KarenCarpenter en #KurtWeill. En van mijn zusje, maar zij leeft gelukkig nog en ze is niet zo muzikaal als bovenstaand gezelschap. 🎂🥳🥂
#KurtWeill #karencarpenter #loureed
No, *YOU’RE* singing into your hairbrush. But fr, I wonder what would have happened if they. let Karen play the drums (as she wished to).
#1970s #karencarpenter #singing
Hard to believe it's been 40 years since Karen left us. Some of the most memorable songs from my childhood. 🥰
#TheCarpenters #RainyDaysAndMondays
Watch "Carpenters - Rainy Days And Mondays" on YouTube
#thecarpenters #rainydaysandmondays #karencarpenter
40 years ago today, 2/4/1983, Karen Carpenter passed away. Her death from heart failure, linked to her years long struggle with anorexia, would later raise awareness of eating disorders and body dysmorphia and their possible causes. #KarenCarpenter #80s #boomtownpodcast
#boomtownpodcast #80s #karencarpenter
Karen Carpenter died on this day in 1983 & was one of the most gifted and beloved singers of all time. With a distinctive 3 octave contralto range, she performed with her brother Richard as "The Carpenters," winning 3 Grammy awards. She is listed in the top 100 greatest singers of all time. Her death from heart failure, a result of anorexia raised awareness of eating disorders and body dysmorphia. #KarenCarpenter #TheCarpenters #MusicRoyalty #Music #Singers #Drummers #Musicians
#karencarpenter #thecarpenters #musicroyalty #music #singers #drummers #musicians
Karen! Omdat ie zooooo mooi is. What a voice. #KarenCarpenter
#Carpenters - #KarenCarpenter #DrumSolo (1976)
#Drums #Percussion #DrumKit #Snare #SnareDrum #Solo #TheCarpenters
#thecarpenters #solo #snaredrum #snare #DrumKit #percussion #drums #drumsolo #karencarpenter #carpenters
FacesOfRock1 on Instagram: "Karen Carpenter's drum solo in this is incredible! #thecarpenters #karencarpenter #drums #drumsolo #drummer #drummerlife #70s #1970s #1960s #drumlife #drumuniversity #rock #soul #jazz #funk #thebeatles #thebeachboys #davidbowie #mickjagger #dancinginthestreet #catstevens #simonandgarfunkel #folk #solo #carpenter"
#carpenter #solo #folk #simonandgarfunkel #catstevens #dancinginthestreet #mickjagger #davidbowie #thebeachboys #thebeatles #funk #jazz #soul #rock #drumuniversity #drumlife #1960s #1970s #70s #drummerlife #drummer #drumsolo #drums #karencarpenter #thecarpenters
#scotcampbell #drag #fun #karencarpenter #dragqueen #crossdressing
Picture of me in drag as Karen Carpenter, hahahaha! I perfoemd 3 of her songs. It was soooo fun! I'm actually kind of pretty here doncha think?
#scotcampbell #drag #fun #karencarpenter #dragqueen #crossdressing