Poliittisen historian tutkijan #AleksiMainio n arvostelu #Hesari ssa #MattiJkari n ja professori #AnteroHolmila n kirjasta:
#Kirja pohjaa siis #Kari n taannoiseen luentoon, joka herätti sekä kiitosta, että kritiikkiä. Jälkimmäistä anto tuolloin mm. maailmanpolitiikan professori #TeivoTeivainen Twitterissä.
#Docendo lla arvostelu meni tunteisiin (linkki vie Twitteriin, ketjun ekassa twiitissä vielä iltapaskalinkki):
#aleksimainio #hesari #mattijkari #anteroholmila #kirja #kari #teivoteivainen #docendo #kirjat #kirjamastodon
Since I haven't uploaded anything in a while, here's something I comm'd a while ago.
Even though there have been more than a few lolis and shotas in the Digimon series, TK and Kari remain my favorites. The idea behind this one was that they find a "backdoor" to the Digital World, but some things get left in the process.
#digimon #loli #shota #tk #kari
Kari Katura - přehnaná vizualizace trenéra hokejové reprezentace ČR.
(nápad @SmoothRunCZ ) #kari #hokejČR https://t.co/2jPzESWFnE
#Kari Lake just lost the Arizona election again — thanks to the state Supreme Court https://www.rawstory.com/kari-lake-loses-supreme-court/
🤔 🙄 .😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
#Kari #Lake Furious That No One Has Searched Her Home for Stolen Documents
The former anchorwoman claimed that she has been calling for the F.B.I. to raid her house for weeks, but to no avail.
#newyorker #satire #kari #lake #politics #mastodon #MAGA #gop #news #trump #arizona #election
🤔 #Kari #Lake🤡 is still at the election denalism thing. 🙄 She is running a shadow campaign.😆. BTW, all those people there are out of their minds.
🐦 🔗 : https://twitter.com/i/status/1619878496154816512
#kari #lake #politics #mastodon #HunterBiden #MAGA #mtg #republicans #gop #SpeakeroftheHouse #conspiracytheories #news #vote
'These signatures are from 2020': Elections expert debunks #Kari Lake's latest 'bombshell' evidence https://www.alternet.org/these-signatures-are-from-2020/
A fully-lit Earth hovers above the shadowed craters of the Moon, with Antarctica perched right on the horizon. Great shot from the Danuri spacecraft, now in lunar orbit. https://earthsky.org/space/korean-moon-probe-spectacular-images/ #KARI #Earth #Moon
Gorgeous: En route to lunar orbit, South Korea's Danuri spacecraft captured this sequence of the Moon transiting in front of the Earth. https://www.kari.re.kr/eng/kariimg/list.do?img_gbn=PHO&img_tp=S&mno=sub04_01&listType=3&img_thema_cd=%EB%8B%AC%ED%83%90%EC%82%AC #Moon #space #KARI
Danuri is South Korea's first Moon mission. By peering into perpetual darkness at the lunar poles, it will investigate the mystery of water on the Moon & seek out potential resources for future explorers. https://www.planetary.org/space-missions/kplo #KARI #moon
Hikari Yagami Commission :blobartist:
another belly dancer :D
#loli #lolicon #nsfw #ロリ #bellydancer #digimon #commission #fanart #hikari #kari
#loli #lolicon #nsfw #ロリ #bellydancer #digimon #commission #fanart #hikari #kari
Still working off CS5.5 master collection (i was funded for disks back in the day) cos i won't go to subscription!