"The Election Was Not Rigged!" Piers Morgan SLAMS Kari Lake Over 2020 Election Claims(video)..#KariLake..#GOP..#whitenationalism https://youtu.be/mu5I48hm8h8?si=oPDuiDQiQHfgKFe3
#karilake #gop #WhiteNationalism
Trump deserves Nobel Peace Prize, failed Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said Tuesday...#Trump..#KariLake..#GOP..#whitenationalism..
#trump #karilake #gop #WhiteNationalism
In Nightmare Fuel No One Asked for, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake Are Reportedly Duking It Out to Become Trump’s VP
Scariest scenario imaginable?
Rolling Stone reports that conservative nightmares #MTG and #KariLake are currently in a “death race” to be named vice pres. While the women have kept it civil in public, the outlet reports, “behind the scenes, the two view one another with intense distrust and disdain, competition for Trump’s VP
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kari Lake and Marjorie Taylor Greene Are Reportedly in a Desperate 'Death Race' to Be Trump's VP https://jezebel.com/kari-lake-and-marjorie-taylor-greene-are-reportedly-in-1850804132?utm_source=regular #Jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #marjorietaylorgreene #sarahhuckabeesanders #thetrumporganization #kyrstensinema #nelsonmandela #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #krisinoem #karilake #marge #jesus
#jezebel #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #marjorietaylorgreene #sarahhuckabeesanders #thetrumporganization #kyrstensinema #nelsonmandela #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #krisinoem #karilake #marge #jesus
Kari Lake praises Hungarian white nationalist strongman as 'the greatest leader in Europe'..#KariLake..#GOP.,.#whitenationalism https://www.alternet.org/kari-lake-2664699441/
#karilake #gop #WhiteNationalism
Gizmodo: Trump is Back on Twitter (or X, as Elon Musk Calls It) https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-returns-to-twitter-fulton-county-x-mugshot-1850772885?utm_source=regular #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thetrumporganization #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #donaldtrump #truthsocial #elonmusk #trumpism #karilake #twitter #trump #donjr
#rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #americanpeopleofgermandescent #thetrumporganization #timepersonoftheyear #viewsofelonmusk #donaldtrump #truthsocial #elonmusk #trumpism #karilake #twitter #trump #donjr
Gizmodo: Here’s Trump’s Mugshot. Do Your Thing, Internet. https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-mugshot-fulton-county-georgia-1850772122?utm_source=regular #criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
#criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
@realTuckFrumper #KariLake lies all the time she learned it from #TheFormerGuy
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Right Has Already Turned on Their Appalachian Folk Hero https://jezebel.com/the-right-has-already-turned-on-their-appalachian-folk-1850766839?utm_source=regular #Jezebel #richmennorthofrichmond #entertainmentculture #jaykaspiankang #jeffreyepstein #ianmilescheong #oliveranthony #jackposobiec #ericlevitz #appalachia #hillbilly #mattwalsh #folkmusic #joerogan #karilake #foxnews #woke
#jezebel #richmennorthofrichmond #entertainmentculture #jaykaspiankang #jeffreyepstein #ianmilescheong #oliveranthony #jackposobiec #ericlevitz #appalachia #hillbilly #MattWalsh #folkmusic #joerogan #karilake #foxnews #woke
Damning report reveals #BigTech’s interference in #KariLake’s #election
#KariLake killed the Arizona GOP. LOL. #Arizona #GOP #AZGOP #GOPTraitors
Arizona GOP's fundraising abysmal in run up to pivotal 2024 election https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-gop-s-fundraising-abysmal-in-run-up-to-pivotal-2024-election/
#goptraitors #azgop #gop #Arizona #karilake
‘Republican strategists are… writing off… [the] #Sinema [Senate seat] because… #KariLake’ is going to get blown out :D https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4144517-trumps-criminal-trials-prompt-gop-political-doomsday-alarms/
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #KariLake
“Former Arizona GOP gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake is staffing up for a Senate campaign in anticipation of an October launch, making Arizona ground zero to replay — and relitigate — GOP losses in the last two elections,” Axios reports.
@realTuckFrumper Like I said many times before, #KariLake is more stupid than a door stop!
I'm doubled over with a cramped stomach and tears rolling down my cheeks. #KariLake saying that #Trump is playing chess while #JackSmith is playing checkers is the single funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Does anyone really believe Trump knows how to play chess? Or that he's some strategic mastermind? These people are fucking ridiculous, and they're apparently completely unaware of how foolish they sound.
#karilake #trump #jacksmith #trumpindictment #trumpdelusions #mentalhealthawareness
I just blew coffee out of my nose. #KariLake #DonaldPutz
Kari Lake insists Trump's outsmarting Jack Smith as charges pile up: 'Playing chess at the highest level!' https://www.rawstory.com/kari-lake-trump-2662504291/
The #Walmart of polling pivots to support rt wing #ConspiracyTheories w/ its polling. "They’re such big players...they can move that #market on their own." 4mons after the election #RasmussenReports now claims #KariLake did, in fact, win.
"FiveThirtyEight —recently threatened to 'formally ban' it from their election coverage, includg removing it frm #election forecasting models, unless it answered questions abt its methodology & relationship w/several rt-wing outlets, like Bannon’s 'War Room.”
#Election #karilake #rasmussenreports #market #conspiracytheories #walmart