"Se dovessimo contare sull'imparzialità degli scienziati, la scienza, perfino la scienza naturale, sarebbe impossibile".
Il #28luglio1902 nasce #KarlPopper, filosofo tra i pensatori più eminenti del '900.
#28luglio1902 #karlpopper #ilbortoneficio
Nelle mie ultime lectio si è cercato di mostrare come la gnosi sia pericolosa senza un limite.
Bene, il personaggio di questi articoli è considerato un #filantropo di educazione #gnostica per via di #KarlPopper suo insegnante.
Art. 2) https://www.repubblica.it/politica/2022/11/01/news/calenda_soros_europa-372499621/
Arrivate voi alle conseguenze!
#insegnamentodellavia #filantropo #gnostica #karlpopper
@MonsieurBidouille Vous venez de vous retrouver devant un #paradoxe de la #tolérance. Merci #KarlPopper. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradoxe_de_la_tol%C3%A9rance?wprov=sfla1
Comme tous les paradoxes, sa gestion n'est pas évidente.
Perso, si les gens peuvent installer #thread alors ils peuvent installer #Tusky.
Pourtant je suis plus prudente dans mes paroles quand j'en discute avec les autres modérateurs... Mais il est clair qu'il ne faut pas leur faire confiance hors #activityPub fonctionne sur la #confiance.
#confiance #activitypub #tusky #thread #karlpopper #tolerance #paradoxe
@dgil Quina meravella Popper. Aquest estiu el tinc a la meva llista de pendents, el seu racionalisme crític em sembla molt molt interessant.
#karlpopper #popper #filosofia #gnoseologia #empirisme
#karlpopper #popper #filosofia #gnoseologia #empirisme
#思想 #哲学 #岩波書店 #岩波文庫 #小河原誠 #karlpopper #カールポパー #theopensocietyanditsenemies #開かれた社会とその敵 #読了 #読書
#開かれた社会とその敵 #TheOpenSocietyandItsEnemies
#カールポパー #KarlPopper #小河原誠 #岩波文庫 #岩波書店 #哲学 #思想
#喜久屋書店 #喜久屋書店小倉店 #セントシティ #セントシティ北九州 #小倉北区 #北九州 #福岡 #ブックオカ
#ブックオカ #福岡 #北九州 #小倉北区 #セントシティ北九州 #セントシティ #喜久屋書店小倉店 #喜久屋書店 #思想 #哲学 #岩波書店 #岩波文庫 #小河原誠 #karlpopper #カールポパー #theopensocietyanditsenemies #開かれた社会とその敵
#karlpopper critiques #Plato yet #Socrates is unscathed. #whatisphilosophy by #deleuzeandguattari says “Socrates constantly made all discussions impossible “ as if there is some immutable truth that he had access too. But that temporal existence is no more. Question everything Socrates? Ok, Yes. Accept the refutable truth we learn Mr. Popper? Yes, because of the sciencetific method. Accepting a philosophy as Truth, even for that moment, is an oversimplification of the complexity of truth
#karlpopper #plato #socrates #whatisphilosophy #deleuzeandguattari
“There's a third world, the world of objective contents of thoughts”
- o.o.b.e. , the Orb
#oobe #UFOrb
#World3 #KarlPopper
#Noosphere #TailhardDeChardin
#oobe #uforb #outofbodyexperience #world3 #karlpopper #noosphere #tailharddechardin
#VoteYes 🖤❤️ @suebarrett@mastodon.au @Suebarrett Replying to #PhilipOLeary Indeed Philip. That's exactly what it is. Which is why I also continue to promote #Philosopher #KarlPopper's work on The Paradox of Tolerance.
We cannot tolerate the intolerant or else we end up with #Fascism & all the trauma & trouble that comes with it. #philosophy #auspol #RobotDebtRC
#alt #alttext
#alttext #alt #robotdebtrc #auspol #philosophy #fascism #karlpopper #philosopher #philipoleary #VoteYes
A number of memes were made based on Popper's concept of the Paradox of Tolerance.
This is only seems like a paradox because #KarlPopper frames things in terms of tolerance and intolerance.
If one claims that to have a peaceful society the state should have a monopoly on violence, it follows self-evidently that the state should be able to use force to stop those who seek to overthrow it through violence, who commit violent acts, or who call for violence against others.
Felsefe okumak olduğumuz nokta ile olmak istediğimiz nokta arasındaki mesafeyi kısaltmaz. Sadece o mesafenin ne kadar uzak ve zorlu olduğunu görmemizi sağlar
for those who are interested in philosophy, here's a 90+ minute interview with me conducted a few days ago about my adventures in Popperian philosophy https://popperian-podcast.libsyn.com/the-popperian-podcast-23-paul-levinson-ww-bartley-and-pancritical-rationalism #philosophy #KarlPopper #rationality #epistemology
#philosophy #karlpopper #rationality #epistemology
for those who are interested in philosophy, here's a 90+ minute interview with me conducted a few days ago about my adventures in Popperian philosophy https://popperian-podcast.libsyn.com/the-popperian-podcast-23-paul-levinson-ww-bartley-and-pancritical-rationalism #philosophy #KarlPopper #rationality #epistemology
#philosophy #karlpopper #rationality #epistemology