@Izzod #karmapolice someone’s going to have a days worth of work like Stanley Tucci in margin call
“Karma Police” by Radiohead (1997) #karmapolice #okcomputer #radiohead #alternativerock #music
#karmapolice #okcomputer #radiohead #alternativerock #music
🚨 #KarmaPolice: Tak dlouho podporujete propagandu bagatelizující globální oteplování, až v klíčový moment Evropa nepotřebuje topit vašimi zdroji.
„Putin má smůlu. Evropě v energetické krizi pomůže nejteplejší leden za několik desetiletí“ 👉 https://bit.ly/3GKf14z
Tried to find this masterpiece and spent about 20 minutes, but I did it :)
SHEFITA - Karma Police
#karmapolice #music #cover #radiohead
Leute, setzt euch erstmal hin. Ihr werdet es nicht glauben:
#greta #Gretathunberg #andrewtate #karmapolice
#karmapolice #radiohead #citizencope #easystarallstars #radiodread #colingreenwood #jonnygreenwood #edobrien #thomyorke #philipselway #michaelgoldwasser #ericsmith #lem #oppenheimer #remygerstein #jamacian #music #karma #ok #computer #90s #green #plastic #classic #throwback #reggae #cover #tribute #chill #uk #nyc #jamaica #oxfordshire #abingdon #altrock #dub #dab #drums #free #smoke #fire #weedtruck #foodtruck #beach #house #tv #netflix #password #𓃰
#karmapolice #radiohead #citizencope #easystarallstars #radiodread #colingreenwood #jonnygreenwood #edo #thomyorke #philipselway #michaelgoldwasser #ericsmith #lem #oppenheimer #remygerstein #jamacian #music #karma #ok #computer #green #plastic #classic #throwback #reggae #cover #tribute #chill #uk #nyc #jamaica #oxfordshire #abingdon #altrock #dub #dab #drums #free #smoke #fire #weedtruck #foodtruck #beach #house #tv #netflix #password #𓃰
Eines der schönsten Intros der jüngeren Musikgschichte, wie ich finde: https://open.spotify.com/track/3SVAN3BRByDmHOhKyIDxfC?si=vzVe_fvJQIGrk4INwvBh9g&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A7FOS6jXjPQdgWIIOpcoM5F #KarmaPolice #Radiohead