@tagesschau Das ist #SaudiArabien, Verbündeter des #Westens, vor allem der #USA und gefragter #Öl- und #Gaslieferant. Niemand hinterfragt #Menschrechtsverletzungen und #Krieg im #Jemen. #Kashoggi? Wo bleibt der Aufschrei? #Außenministerin? Ach, man hört ja selbst zu #Assange nichts mehr von ihr. #FreeAssangeNow!
#freeassangenow #assange #Außenministerin #kashoggi #jemen #krieg #Menschrechtsverletzungen #Gaslieferant #ol #usa #Westens #saudiarabien
Whoa! Did not see this coming! #pgatour agrees to merge with Saudi-backed rival #LIVGolf. And it looks like the #Saudis will be calling the shots. Validates my decision to stop watching #golf. Greedy mofos—who cares about #Sept11 and #Kashoggi ? And #oil policies that benefit #Russia! A pox on all their houses. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/06/pga-tour-agrees-to-merge-with-saudi-backed-rival-liv-golf.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard
#pgatour #livgolf #saudis #golf #sept11 #kashoggi #oil #russia
RT @protecttruth_@twitter.com
Fred Ryan wrote this about the #Kashoggi lies spread by Mike Pompeo.
And days later, Fred Ryan and his opinion editor hired two conservatives who agree with Pompeo on almost everything.
Ryan should put his money where his mouth is. His actions belie this statement. https://twitter.com/WashPostPR/status/1617918861231394818
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/protecttruth_/status/1618728168436932608
Amy B Wang: Pompeo dismisses Khashoggi as ‘activist’ whose murder was overblown by media
Mike Pompeo, friend of dictators, thinks journalists like #kashoggi should be murdered. Perhaps the worst person ever to have a CIA director-level security clearance.
The link to the full opinion piece in #wapo is here:
#mikepompeo #kashoggi
Slow news #podcast on money and influence
in #Westminster. #Qatar, #Kashoggi, Theresa #May, Boris #Johnson and some names you may not have heard of - on the make at our expense?
#podcast #Westminster #qatar #kashoggi #may #johnson
Oct 18, 2018
From #Kashoggi to #NikkiHaley -- https://mailchi.mp/b7c6b29f5eca/from-kashoggi-to-nikki-haley-this-weeks-gayography-lgbtiq-news-and-travel-brief Find out one person's story of taking time off to travel + #MarriageEquality news from #Taiwan & #Thailand - and what you'll find flying into #SFO soon #HarveyMilk -- This wk's #LGBTIQ travel & news #GAYography brief
#kashoggi #nikkihaley #marriageequality #taiwan #thailand #sfo #harveymilk #lgbtiq #gayography
#poll Wat krijgt president #Biden in ruil voor de geboden immuniteit van Mohammed bin Salman? #binsalman #MbS #kashoggi #mohammedbinsalman #SaudiArabia #oil #climate #klimaattop
#poll #biden #binsalman #mbs #kashoggi #MohammedbinSalman #saudiarabia #oil #climate #klimaattop
📰🇸🇦🇺🇸 Washington accorde l'"immunité juridique" à MBS dans l'affaire Khashoggi
#EPOC #revuedepresse #arabiesaoudite #mbs #usa #kashoggi
Verfahren wegen Spionage bei Twitter
Saudische Spione bei Twitter?
Mehr dazu bei https://netzpolitik.org/2022/prozess-twitter-manager-sollen-oppositionelle-in-saudi-arabien-ausspioniert-haben/
Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3oM
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8092-20220726-verfahren-wegen-spionage-bei-twitter.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8092-20220726-verfahren-wegen-spionage-bei-twitter.htm
Tags: #Saudi-Arabien #USA #Twitter #Spionage #Assange #EspionageAct #Menschenrechte #Gefährdung #Todesurteile #Folter #KronprinzMohammedbinSalman #Kashoggi
#saudi #usa #twitter #spionage #assange #espionageact #menschenrechte #gefährdung #Todesurteile #folter #kronprinzmohammedbinsalman #kashoggi
La #carta #natal de #Arabia #Saudí - II. Yamal #Kashoggi, Mohamed bin #Salman y la estrella de los #decapitados
#saudí #kashoggi #decapitados #salman #carta #natal #arabia