@musicmatze Thank you for your feedback and your impulse whereupon i have installed #Kasts and linked to my #nextcloud #gpoddersync! 😊 It was very easy and the #sync was absolutely fast! 🚀
I hope there will be a possibility for syncing the #playlist in future, too... 🤔🙏
But for example the syncing of finished episodes, the chance to add new streams for all devices are very smart functions! 😊
#sync #kasts #nextcloud #gpoddersync #playlist #podcast
@musicmatze Nice! 😍 I also use @AntennaPod and #gpoddersync is already active - next step is also syncing with @kde #kasts! 💙🙃🥳
Did it work for you and how are your impressions? 😊 Do you know if the server with gpoddersync needs a #cronjob for syncing? 🙂
#gpoddersync #kasts #cronjob #antennapod #podcast #podcasts
Updated @kde #Kasts #Elisa and #Tokodon for #SailfishOS to v23.0.8.0
#kasts #elisa #tokodon #sailfishos
I love #antennapod already! If my queue is now synced reliably with my #kasts instance, I am in absolute love!
I installed #kde #kasts and am trying it out together with #antennapod and #gpoddersync for #nextcloud
Replaces my #rss reader for #podcast subscriptions.
Lets see how this works out. So far I really like bother kasts and antennapod!
#kde #kasts #antennapod #gpoddersync #nextcloud #rss #podcast
Kasts 23.08 has been released as part of #KDE #gear 23.08.
Kasts is a #podcast application that works on desktop and mobile linux, windows and android.
The main new features for this release:
- capability to mark episodes as favorite;
- most subscription and episode lists now have the capability to search, filter and sort;
- downloaded podcast episodes are now stored with human readable filenames;
- the skip interval (for the forwards and backwards skip buttons) is now customizable.
wenn #NextCloud unsichtbare Ordner anzeigt, finde ich den #Kasts Ordner mit meinen Podcasts doch nicht ;(
no Problem #SRF_2_Kultur, a #Pinephone (running KDE) can copy the link and #Kasts will #subscribe to your #podcast.
#podcast #subscribe #kasts #pinephone #srf_2_kultur
hmm, #pinephone #Kasts says it syncs podcasts to my #nextcloud but the errors in the log..
@musicmatze @eliasp There is a nightly android build of #Kasts which can be downloaded through binary-factory.kde.org or through the nightly KDE f-droid repo.
@AntennaPod also has support for gpodder-nextcloud syncing. It's available on f-droid and is probably a better overall native Android experience.
You know there's #kasts, #audiotube, #itinerary, #plasmatube which all seem very nice and dandy.
But as long as I cannot sync them between my devices, preferably with #nextcloud and use the same data in other apps (because my phone does not have any of the above), they can be the best apps ever written... I won't use them exactly because they cannot sync.
#kasts #audiotube #itinerary #plasmatube #nextcloud #kde #plasma
@lucidillusions While I was at it, I've implemented icon type selection on master. If you rebuild the `kasts-git` package, you should be able to select a light icon in the #Kasts general settings.
@toran #PlasmaGear is one of the three major components that KDE release separately. There's #Plasma which is the desktop env + window manager; there's Frameworks which are the utility libraries; and then there's #PlasmaGear which contains the KDE apps which are not released standalone, like Elisa, Glenview, most games etc.
#Kasts was part of Mobile Gear which is a much smaller set of packages intended mainly (but not solely) for use on Linux phones.
For the next release #Kasts will move from #KDE #PlasmaMobile Gear to regular #PlasmaGear
There are already a few new features queueing up for that next release: support for a system tray icon, search functionality and setting custom playback speeds.
#kasts #kde #plasmamobile #plasmagear
Kasts 23.01 has just been released as part of #KDE Plasma Mobile Gear. Kasts is a podcast player that works on desktop and mobile linux.
The new release contains a revamp of the header and sidebar and the settings dialog. The header bar can be resized and even fully collapsed into a minimal set of player controls.
The audio backend has been rewritten from scratch, which now allows in-app volume control and should solve common issues like seeking operations getting stuck.
@vkc Tried #Podbird on #UbuntuTouch and #Kasts on #PlasmaMobile and it seemed to work on both. They both played the file, though I only tried briefly. I'll test it more thoroughly later.
#plasmamobile #kasts #ubuntutouch #Podbird
Working on a revamp of the header and player controls of #Kasts for the desktop layout.
This comes on top of several other interface improvements (see sidebar) and backend improvements (multiple audio backends, allowing to have in-app volume control)