"Roam" is a song by American #newWave band #theB52s released as the fourth single from their fifth studio album, #CosmicThing (1989). The vocals are sung by #KatePierson and #CindyWilson, making it the only vocal track on the album without any vocal involvement from #FredSchneider.
#newwave #theb52s #cosmicthing #katepierson #cindywilson #fredschneider
Here’s an interesting one. A few weeks back, I posted the B-52s “Roam” as a #SongOfTheDay. I always admired the vocal talents of Kate Pierson, and in this video the voices of Kate and Cindy Wilson have been isolated from the instruments and other vocals to lay bare their tight harmonies.
#roam #b #cindywilson #katepierson #songoftheday
Happy Birthday to Kate Pierson (74), here with Iggy Pop.
#punk #punkrock #newwave #katepierson #theb52s
#punk #punkrock #newwave #katepierson #theb52s
Happy Bday to #IggyPop! Candy has always been one of my favorite Iggy songs, because #KatePierson (obviously). #NowPlaying
#nowplaying #katepierson #iggypop
#nowplaying #iggypop #katepierson
#nowplaying #iggypop #katepierson
Gen X Music Lover: The B-52's - Love Shack
#1980s, #1989, #80smusic, #CindyWilson, #dancerock, #FredSchneider, #KatePierson, #poprock, #TheB52s
#1980s #80smusic #cindywilson #dancerock #fredschneider #katepierson #PopRock #theB52s
Once again, I was blown away by the intimacy, the incredible sound, and the artistic expression featured at Levon Helms Studios last night. Amy Helm, Kate Pierson, Natalie Merchant, June Mullington, Elizabeth Mitchell, Dan Littleton, Joan as Police Woman, Emily King, Amanda Palmer, Kat Wright, Catherine Russell, Marco Benevento, Storey Littleton and Elizabeth Ziman as well as many others (who’s names I sadly don’t know) put on a most incredible show.
#LiveMusic #LevonHelmStudios #AmyHelm #KatePierson #NatalieMerchant #ElizabethMitchell
#livemusic #levonhelmstudios #amyhelm #katepierson #nataliemerchant #elizabethmitchell
Article name-drops:
#MelissaAufDerMaur / #Hole #SmashingPumpkins
#NatalieMerchant / #10000Maniacs
#TonyLevin / #KingCrimson / #PeterGabriel
#EricGoulden / #WrecklessEric
#DarylHall / #HallAndOates
#KatePierson / #B52s
#JesseParisSmith / #PattiSmith
#AmandaPalmer / #DresdenDolls
#DebParker / #BeautyBar #RealEstateBroker
#RichardButler / #PsychedelicFurs
#BruceJayMilner / #EveryMothersSon
#AmyHelm / #LevonHelm #TheBand
#amandapalmer #genx #relationships #TheBand #levonhelm #amyhelm #everymothersson #brucejaymilner #PsychedelicFurs #richardbutler #tracybonham #realestatebroker #beautybar #debparker #rebeccafoon #dresdendolls #pattismith #jesseparissmith #b52s #katepierson #hallandoates #darylhall #wrecklesseric #ericgoulden #amyrigby #petergabriel #kingcrimson #tonylevin #10000Maniacs #NatalieMerchant #tonystone #smashingpumpkins #hole #melissaaufdermaur