"Many politicians would say 'I know what I need to do, I just don't know how to get re-elected when I've done it', and that's why I think you're seeing some of the most progressive places say,
'Let's hold a citizen's assembly... Let's bring together together a randomly selected group of around 100 citizens/ residents of our place. Let's introduce them to experts who can introduce them to the scale of this topic, and see what they come up with.'
#KateRaworth, 2023
"... people who cannot meet their most basic needs; that is where you want to see the growth of their incomes, and the growth of public services that serve them, right? ... That's where - if anywhere in the world - we want to see 'economic growth' ... and it's got to be distributive, so it's actually shared, and it's got to be regenerative, so it doesn't destroy the planet as it happens."
#KateRaworth, 2023
#kateraworth #podcasts #leading #doughnuteconomics #degrowth
Recommended RT @efca: #KateRaworth in #Prospect magazine: ‘I half-jokingly say that if aliens wanted to take down life on this planet, they would only need to convince us to talk about the damage that we do to the rest of the living world as an “environmental externality”—just as most economists currently do.’ https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/world/environment-news/climate-change/62136/is-green-growth-the-future #economics #climatechange
#kateraworth #prospect #economics #climatechange
"Debemos replantear, ordenar y planificar nuestro espacio económico dentro de unas coordenadas muy precisas: el techo ecológico que marcan nuestros recursos y el suelo social de nuestros derechos fundamentales" #PabloBustinduy tomando prestadas ideas de @kateraworth , espero que #Sumar hable más de esto en campaña
#KateRaworth #DoughnutEconomics #SpanishPolitics #23j
#pablobustinduy #sumar #kateraworth #doughnuteconomics #spanishpolitics #23j
#KateRaworth #DonutEconomics absolute hero
An interesting long read on Kate Raworth, the post-growth economist who coined the term doughnut economics.
#kateraworth #doughnuteconomics #economics
Long Read about Kate Raworth and Doughnut Economics by Hettie O'Brien, with good side glances at inequality & link to a critical account of the book's 'we-ism'. The labour of transformation is a broad church. I appreciate & support what Kate Raworth does, the work it inspires and the access she gets to certain tiers of civic decision-makers. Is hers ultimately a 'softly, softly' approach? Not really. Things to learn here. #KateRaworth #Degrowth #DoughnutEconomics https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/08/the-planets-economist-has-kate-raworth-found-a-model-for-sustainable-living
#kateraworth #degrowth #doughnuteconomics
@yaneerbaryam As the environmental emergency accelerates, the 2017 point by #KateRaworth also comes to mind, that it is dangerous to ignore the ecoystem essential to survival of humans & our structures.
This is the chart of the Embedded Economy from @doughnuteconomics, setting economic flows in their broader context.
#EmbeddedEconomy #BigPicture #DoughnutEconomics
#kateraworth #doughnuteconomics #embeddedeconomy #bigpicture
Kate Raworth on capitalism.
Artificiële parkeerproblemen https://deanderekrispeeters.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/artificiele-parkeerproblemen/ #Computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #StefanHertmans #RomanKrznaric #KateRaworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #ChatGPT #Boeken
#computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #stefanhertmans #romankrznaric #kateraworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #chatgpt #Boeken
Artificiële parkeerproblemen https://deanderekrispeeters.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/artificiele-parkeerproblemen/ #Computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #StefanHertmans #RomanKrznaric #KateRaworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #ChatGPT #Boeken
#computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #stefanhertmans #romankrznaric #kateraworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #chatgpt #Boeken
For anyone in Naarm/Melbourne:
I did this weekend workshop last year and now it's back!
I learned so much, met some incredibly interesting and insightful people, and loved it so much that I'm now studying with the organisers who also run a post-graduate program through Torrens University.
I'll be there again for this one so come along and say hello!
#Capitalism #Organising #Workshop #Economics #Socialism #DoughnutEconomics #KateRaworth #JasonHickel #Imperialism #Colonialism #GlobalSouth
#capitalism #organising #workshop #economics #socialism #doughnuteconomics #kateraworth #JasonHickel #imperialism #colonialism #globalsouth
Artificiële parkeerproblemen https://deanderekrispeeters.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/artificiele-parkeerproblemen/ #Computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #StefanHertmans #RomanKrznaric #KateRaworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #ChatGPT #Boeken
#computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #stefanhertmans #romankrznaric #kateraworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #chatgpt #Boeken
Start the Week - Democratic capitalism – marriage on the rocks: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001jkjn
Kate Raworth defines 'capitalism':
'Yeah, well, it's a big word. So I never use it unless I get to define it, because otherwise we find ourselves talking past each other. So I'm great to have the chance to define it. To me, capitalism is, yes, it's markets and it's business, but it's more than that, because those have been around for millennia. To me, capitalism is an economic system that prioritises, above all, delivering profit for the honest of wealth. And that's in terms of dividends for those who own stocks and shares and corporations. That's in terms of rent for those who own land and housing and real estate. And that's in terms of interest for those who own other people's debt. And the key consequence of this is not just the obvious that it enriches the already rich. It systematically puts a squeeze on everything else that we value. So it underpays and undermines wage workers. It privatizes public goods like health care and transport. It exploits care that's provided by families and communities. It degrades the living world on which everything depends. It appropriates land and culture from indigenized and racialized communities. And crucially, it captures the legal system and the political system so that it can secure and reproduce its privilege.'
#starttheweek #kateraworth #capitalism
Video | Kate Raworth – Donut economie https://sargasso.nl/video-kate-raworth-donut-economie/ #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #planetairegrenzen #KateRaworth #Economie
#sustainabledevelopmentgoals #planetairegrenzen #kateraworth #economie
Artificiële parkeerproblemen https://deanderekrispeeters.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/artificiele-parkeerproblemen/ #Computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #StefanHertmans #RomanKrznaric #KateRaworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #ChatGPT #Boeken
#computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #stefanhertmans #romankrznaric #kateraworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #chatgpt #Boeken
> We are told we are rational #EconomicMan. And the model that would be made of us? He would be a man, without #caring responsibilities, standing alone, independent of others. He’s got money in his hand—that’s how he interacts with the world—he’s got ego in his heart…a calculator in his head…and he’s got #nature at his feet…We will never learn to thrive with 10 billion people on this planet with this model of ourselves.
#KateRaworth #DonutEconomics and I think of #Mozi
#mozi #donuteconomics #kateraworth #nature #caring #EconomicMan
Artificiële parkeerproblemen https://deanderekrispeeters.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/artificiele-parkeerproblemen/ #Computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #StefanHertmans #RomanKrznaric #KateRaworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #ChatGPT #Boeken
#computerseninternet #parkeerprobleem #stefanhertmans #romankrznaric #kateraworth #Mobiliteit #wetenschap #chatgpt #Boeken
@KeithDJohnson @Artisan_recycler I don't have quite that long a reading history. 😄 But it's been an eye opener, a critique on western society's fixation on STEM. There's so much we can do with a lot less, maybe even live globally inside #KateRaworth's donut. 🤔