I really do not understand how someone that believes this and who has made comments supporting the rubbish reported about Rye School and has been proven to be wrong, cannot be seen as having lost touch with reality and in no fit state to be headmistress of a school. How is that ok? #KatharineBirbalsingh
Well better "Westferry Bob" as he is known in parts of the #eastend than #cruella herself! He could of course add one of "catwoman" herself in the form of #katharinebirbalsingh being fed cat food by #LeeAnderson !
#eastend #cruella #katharinebirbalsingh #leeanderson
More news on the story of #katharinebirbalsingh and the supposed #catidentifying pupil! The emergency unannounced inspection by #ofsted has discovered that the school in question is a rather good school with no particular issues. To the untutored reader it looks rather better than the establishment run by #katharinebirbalsingh!
#katharinebirbalsingh #catidentifying #ofsted
Perhaps he only meant this to apply to people who identify as cats!
No doubt #katharinebirbalsingh could supply him with a list of those eligible!
"Jess Phillips is not racist, Labour's Bridget Phillipson says after online row"
If I were to call Katharine Birbalsingh an imbecile, would I too be guilty of 'unconscious bias'?
#racism #UnconsciousBias #KatharineBirbalsingh #MsSniffy #JessPhillips
#racism #unconsciousbias #katharinebirbalsingh #mssniffy #jessphillips
The "cat" children story is being promoted by #katharinebirbalsingh who just happens to be a mate of #SuellaBraverman. Go figure!
#katharinebirbalsingh #SuellaBraverman