“Eco-nun” is a great new word for my word horde. What a task you’ve undertaken! Thank you 😊
I sincerely appreciate your analysis of human psychology and emotions re climate crisis plus showing the dysfunctional behaviors of corporations like victim blaming. It’s accessible and eye opening.
I’ve decided to listen to you narrate your book “Saving Us”, first.
#ClimateScientist #SavingUs #Bookstodon #KatharineHayhoe #WordHoarder
#ClimateScientist #savingus #bookstodon #wordhoarder #katharinehayhoe
"Ohio proposes bill that could limit teaching about climate change on university campuses. "
“You can say gravity isn't true, but if you step off the cliff, you’re going down,” says climate scientist #KatharineHayhoe about restrictions on teaching."
“It used to be that I would receive that hate via letters or emails, or phone calls, or official complaints to my university. And those certainly still arrive. But now the deluge of hundreds of hateful comments in a single day that the internet facilitates, whether it is on Twitter, or LinkedIn, or Facebook, or even Instagram, the volume is just 100 times more than it would be without the Internet.”" - Atmospheric scientist #KatharineHayhoe - Nature.com
"While air pollution in the U.S. has declined, its impacts worldwide have skyrocketed. Today, more than one in every six deaths globally is caused by the pollution of our air, water, and soil.
Then there’s #climatechange: an invisible but devastating force that’s wreaking havoc on a planetary scale."
Dr. #KatharineHayhoe in @ScientificAmerican.
#climatechange #katharinehayhoe
#ThereIsNoPlanetB - "Meet #climatescientist #KatharineHayhoe who studies what #climatechange means to each of us locally. #WomenInScience" NOVA PBS Teachers
#thereisnoplanetb #climatescientist #katharinehayhoe #climatechange #WomenInScience