#CarneEossa di #KathyReichs è un libro #SIESL.Piacevole fino alle ultime deboli 100 pagine,risolutive per la conclusione della storia.
#carneeossa #kathyreichs #siesl
Picked these up from my local charity shop, I can’t wait to read these. My 2023 read more mantra is still going strong. #reading #mantra #LianeMoriarty #johngrisham #janefallon #NicciFrench #kathyreichs
#reading #mantra #lianemoriarty #johngrisham #janefallon #niccifrench #kathyreichs
Just posted something new: Lese aktuell, und schon seit einigen Tagen, "Totgeglaubte leben länger" von Kathy Reichs.
Bild: Blanvalet Verlag
#totgeglaubtelebenlänger #kathyreichs #buch #lesen #lesestoff #bookstagram #love #instagood #photooftheday #bookstagrammer #bücher #book #booklover #picoftheday #photography #thriller #books #roman #reading #bücherliebe #happy #lovebooks #bücherwurm #bookworm #instagram #krimi #autorenleben - https://instagr.am/p/CnWVDZ5KABa/
#totgeglaubtelebenlanger #kathyreichs #buch #lesen #lesestoff #bookstagram #love #instagood #photooftheday #bookstagrammer #bucher #book #booklover #picoftheday #photography #thriller #books #roman #reading #bucherliebe #happy #lovebooks #bucherwurm #bookworm #instagram #krimi #autorenleben
Just posted something new: Hab vor den Weihnachtsfeiertagen mit dem Buch "Der Tod kommt wie gerufen" von Kathy Reichs angefangen und gestern am zweiten Weihnachtsfeiertag beendet. Schöner Thriller.
#kathyreichs #dertodkommtwiegerufen #krimi #thriller #bones #love #instagood #photooftheday #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #lesen #books #germany #picoftheday #photography #tatort #skeleton #bonesdieknochenjägerin #roman #booklover #blessingverlag #tv #book #happy - https://instagr.am/p/CmqkOdKqExD/
#kathyreichs #dertodkommtwiegerufen #krimi #thriller #bones #love #instagood #photooftheday #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #lesen #books #germany #picoftheday #photography #tatort #skeleton #bonesdieknochenjagerin #roman #booklover #blessingverlag #tv #book #happy
J'ai trouvé un livre de Kathy Reichs à la boîte aux livres. Trop heureuse car je voulais lire cette autrice autant une grande fan de Bones mais je n'avais pas sauté le pas encore, tellement j'avais de livres !
I'm so happy : I found a Kathy Reich book in a bookcrossing box. I really wanted to read some of her books since I'm a HUGE fan of Bones but I never did because I already have so many books to read. #mastodonbookclub #books #Polar #livres #livrespoliciers #tvshows #bones #kathyreichs
#mastodonbookclub #books #polar #livres #livrespoliciers #tvshows #bones #kathyreichs
Back to bed listening to Monday Mourning by #KathyReichs . Nothing like a spot of murder & mayhem to lull me to sleep.
Started reading Poison by #CharlotKing. A couple of chapters at a time is pretty much enough for me in one sitting. Audio book now; Monday Mourning by #kathyreichs. Hoping to sleep through the night for a change. Catch y'all on the flip side.
Can we include cookbooks? I'm really enjoying the #HalfBakedHarvest books right now.
#TerryPrachett #chaimpotok #lmmontgomery #rachelheldevans #LouisePenny #kathyreichs #halfbakedharvest