I watched a Katie Halper / John Pilger video today. It was comforting to my sanity.
#KatieHalper #JohnPilger #ConsortiumNews
#katiehalper #johnpilger #consortiumnews
Katie Halpers Petition against cancellation of Roger Waters' shows in Frankfurt
massive pension when he retires.
Just three examples. We got f*cking Nazis all over the place and this full idiot Uwe Becker decides to take on a left music activist and cancel his rock shows instead of really fighting antisemitism.
I saw Roger Water's show on March 21 in Barcelona. Has been a wonderful concert and one of the best I've ever seen. Would be good if all guys who are interested would have the same opportunity in Frankfurt End of May.
the chicks are free for him. But you never know...
So this aforementioned Uwe Becker is antisemitic commissioner and supporter of Jewish life in Hesse. Which would be good if this guy would take his job seriously.
We got plenty of Nazis in the Frankfurtonian police force (who are addressed as a "problem" and noone find himself in position to do something) and in the army. One of the worst Fascists (Björn Höcke) is still civil servant in Hesse which guarantees him
Evil opponent is the (appointed) antisemitism commissioner of the federal state of Hesse. Uwe Becker, joined the conservative party (CDU) with 17(!) years, worked in a minor role at a governmental savings bank to pursue a career as a politician with 35. Municipality functions in Frankfurt until voted off and then the party had to provide a different job opportunity. He is now a state secretary.
Dire Straights made a song about him. "Money for nothing" I only doubt
Interestigly Waters reported that the deputy mayor of Frankfurt would start to move and not further insist of cancellation. I did not hear that. And I must admit that I did not expect support for the cancellation from Ms Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg, who is member of the Green party and a respectful polititian so I was surprised when she agreed to / demanded the cancellation.
Maybe she is strong enough to correct her mistakes. Would be very positive.
Interesting comment in that YT Channel
"Andrew Stafford
For those of us old enough to remember when a big part of British TV was bashing the Germans for their Nazi past; this is such a comical situation. The irony of Germans acting like fucking Nazis in the name of
combating a bogus charge of antisemitism is surely worthy of a ballad. I keep expecting John Cleese to come goose stepping into the story"
Fully agree to that.
Katie Halper interviewed Roger Waters:
"Roger Waters Vows To Perform In Germany Despite Cancelation"
Imho interesting statement about the attempts of German authorities to cancel a rock show under the accusation of "antisemitism" - "bullshit" is the bottom line.
A 🧵
#Frankfurt City Council Undermines #HumanRights by Canceling a Concert by #RogerWaters- Article by #VijayPrashad and #KatieHalper
#frankfurt #humanrights #rogerwaters #vijayprashad #katiehalper
#Israel Escalates Abuse of #Palestinian Children
Human Rights Lawyer #DianaButtu discusses the recent death of seven-year-old Rayyan Suleiman, who died while being chased by Israeli soldiers in the occupied village of Tekoa, prompting the US State Dept. to call for an investigation.
The Hill’s firing of #KatieHalper for describing Israel’s policies as tantamount to apartheid. The cancelling of Ms. Halper is part of a trend by media outlets to muzzle critics of Israel.
#israel #palestinian #dianabuttu #katiehalper