We are a species poised between an awareness of our ultimate insignificance and an ability to reach far beyond our mundane lives, into the void, to solve the most fundamental mysteries of the cosmos.
-- Katie Mack (The End of Everything)
#quotes #katiemack #life #nature #photography #panorama #okefenokee #swamp #canoe #georgia
On Thurs 20 April Australia will experience its first total #solar #eclipse in years - here's a very brief explainer by #KatieMack on the topic 😁 #solarEclipse https://mastodon.social/@AstroKatie/109304732796489094
#solar #eclipse #katiemack #solareclipse
Science is a fundamentally human endeavor, whose purpose is to help us understand the world, better our lives, feed our innate curiosity. It is meaningless, empty, and toxic if placed above or in opposition to human rights and human lives. Humanity and justice must come first.
-- Katie Mack (@astrokatie)
#Curiosity #Science #Understanding #KatieMack #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot
#curiosity #science #understanding #katiemack #quotes #panopainting #bot
How Will the #Universe End? - #BigFreeze, #BigRip, #BigCrunch, #BigBounce or #vacuumdecay? #StevenStrogatz speaks with #theoreticalcosmologist #KatieMack about the five ways that #scientists think the universe could come to an end.
#universe #bigfreeze #bigrip #bigcrunch #bigbounce #vacuumdecay #stevenstrogatz #theoreticalcosmologist #katiemack #scientists
Anyone else read The End of Everything by Katie Mack? So good! Anyone got reading recs for when I finish? More like this please!
#physics #physicsForFunAndProfit #science #popScience #scienceEducation #reading #katieMack
#physics #physicsforfunandprofit #science #popscience #scienceeducation #reading #katiemack