Are you a human? Then you need to meet #KatyBowman
Take a moment to search for her writing or one of many various podcasts.
#NutritiousMovement #Barefoot #FurnitureFree
It might sound weird, but it's how #humankind moves best.
But it's a process! If you've worn mass produced shoes on your feet all your life, your feet are cast to the shape of a shoe. Takes time for feet to correct the damage - just as an arm freed from a cast needs to recover from such limitation
#katybowman #nutritiousmovement #barefoot #furniturefree #humankind
I talk #KatyBowman and #NutritiousMovement because seriously, learning from her resulted in the simplest but most profound improvements in my physical well-being. I was already #barefoot which is how I discovered her. For your own health, just give her a tiny bit of your attention and you will be So. Glad. You. Did.
Following is a link to nutritious movement dot com with articles and videos about how to move as well as possible for as long as possible
#katybowman #nutritiousmovement #barefoot #goodadvice
@helen two words. Ok, 4.
Don't have to buy anything, she will just convince you to rearrange your stuff. #TrustMe I watch #DoctorWho
#katybowman #nutritiousmovement #trustme #doctorwho
“Sitting is the new smoking.”
#physicalExercise. #sedentarism. #Movement. #Smoking. #Diets. #Walk #Activity. #ActiveLifestyles. #KatyBowman #exercise #YouveGotToMoveItMoveIt #physicalActivity. #MoveItMoveIt #Lifestyle
#physicalexercise #sedentarism #movement #smoking #diets #walk #activity #activelifestyles #katybowman #exercise #youvegottomoveitmoveit #physicalactivity #moveitmoveit #lifestyle