Chanson du jour 🎶 Katy J Pearson - Talk Over Town
#ChansonDuJour #SongOfTheDay #Music #KatyJPearson #PouetRadio
#ChansonDuJour #SongOfTheDay #Music #katyjpearson #pouetradio
No surprises to me in my most listened to list this year other than finding that I’ve listened to a lot of Chamber Psych despite having no clue who falls under that genre #YardAct #KatyJPearson #PaulMcCartney #TheBeatles #HalfManHalfBiscuit #Music
#yardact #katyjpearson #PaulMcCartney #thebeatles #halfmanhalfbiscuit #music
It’s been a morning of reading and listening to #KatyJPearson before I head out for a walk to take advantage of the fact that for once it has stopped raining.