Future Sprog · @futuresprog
96 followers · 4965 posts · Server mastodon.nzoss.nz

RT @jpdanner@twitter.com

We're trying to create this in quite a risky environment.

How do we build something that people will trust?

Was amazingly risky to build due to the speed and using tech/methods that the ministry was not as familiar with.

@phindmarsh@twitter.com @kawaiiconNZ@twitter.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/jpdanner/status/15

#kawaiicon #kawaiiconnz

Last updated 2 years ago

Future Sprog · @futuresprog
96 followers · 4965 posts · Server mastodon.nzoss.nz

RT @jpdanner@twitter.com

We're trying to create this in quite a risky environment.

How do we build something that people will trust?

Was amazingly risky to build due to the speed and using tech/methods that the ministry was not as familiar with.

@phindmarsh@twitter.com @kawaiiconNZ@twitter.com

🐦🔗: twitter.com/jpdanner/status/15

#kawaiicon #kawaiiconnz

Last updated 2 years ago

GrumpSec Spottycat · @kyhwana
346 followers · 4292 posts · Server social.furry.nz

RT @0x4D31@twitter.com
Here are some resources re my talk at @kawaiiconNZ@twitter.com✨:
- RDP Fingerprinting: medium.com/@0x4d31/rdp-client-
- FATT; my py script for extracting fingerprints from pcap or live traffic: github.com/0x4D31/fatt
- Tweet coverage of the talk: twitter.com/jpdanner/status/11

#kawaiicon #kawaiiconnz

Last updated 5 years ago

A Cyber Expert · @acyberexpert
77 followers · 1338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

At the supermarket I scanned my loyalty card whilst the operator was in a menu and that was a fun mess for them to sort out.

I didn’t pursue it further. Usually I just scan a single beer and shoulder surf the supervisor PIN.
RT @jpdanner@twitter.com
Each of these modes can be configured via... Barcodes!

You can see how this would go wrong...


#Kawaiicon #kawaiiconnz

Last updated 5 years ago