If Gov #KayIvey weren't so busy approving executions and restricting voting rights, she might name her state's military service members who are negatively affected by Senator #Tuberville's continued blocking of officer promotions. Ivey and Tuberville are the worst of White Christian relics of the Old Deep South. #Alabama
Gizmodo: Reversing Trump, Biden Keeps Space Command HQ in Colorado After Heated Feud https://gizmodo.com/reversing-trump-biden-keeps-space-command-hq-colorado-1850699331 #unitedstatesspacecommand #unitedstatesspaceforce #presidencyofjoebiden #timepersonoftheyear #jamesdickinson #spacecommand #patrickryder #frankkendall #spacewarfare #donaldtrump #dalestrong #mikerogers #joebiden #politics #kayivey
#unitedstatesspacecommand #unitedstatesspaceforce #presidencyofjoebiden #timepersonoftheyear #jamesdickinson #spacecommand #patrickryder #frankkendall #spacewarfare #donaldtrump #dalestrong #mikerogers #joebiden #politics #kayivey
Alabama Governor and blackface enthusiast #KayIvey on Friday announced she replaced her director of early childhood education over the use of a teacher training book that the Republican governor denounced as teaching "woke concepts" because of language about inclusion and structural racism.
They’re dangerous sociopaths; they’re rabid DAWGs. They’re Deplorable Americans With Guns. #DAWG #DAWGs #KayIvey #DeplorableAmericanWithGuns #DeplorableAmericansWithGuns #DeplorableAmericanWieldingGuns #DeplorableAmericansWieldingGuns #Republicans #MAGA #GunSafety
#gunsafety #MAGA #republicans #deplorableamericanswieldingguns #deplorableamericanwieldingguns #deplorableamericanswithguns #deplorableamericanwithguns #kayivey #Dawgs #dawg
RT @StrawFinal@twitter.com
A chat with Michael Kimble & another comrade at #DonaldsonCF about the dire conditions in Alabama prisons under #KayIvey, then JJ Ayers of the #WinnemuccaIndianColony talks about resisting eviction & the situation with the so-called Rojo Tribal Council.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StrawFinal/status/1607062153667948544
#donaldsoncf #kayivey #winnemuccaindiancolony
Super-Christian Governor Blames ‘Criminals’ for Failures in Alabama’s Death Chamber
But she has ordered a moratorium to review execution procedures.
#christianreligion #humanrights #kayivey #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment
After two horrific #botchedexecutions #Alabama Governor #KayIvey has decided to pause #executions. How about abolishing the #deathpenalty. That would solve the problem. #abolition #capitalpunishment #law @law #fedilaw https://www.al.com/news/2022/11/gov-kay-ivey-orders-moratorium-on-executions-in-alabama.html
#botchedexecutions #alabama #kayivey #executions #deathpenalty #abolition #capitalpunishment #law #fedilaw
#alabama #kayivey #joebiden #vaccinemandates
And just a few months ago the old bag was blaming us unvaccinated folks that we were to blame for the pandemic.
"Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) ordered state agencies to resist the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandates on Monday, pledging to fight the White House in court."
#alabama #kayivey #joebiden #vaccinemandates