Background art is an essential part of any movie, and Studio Ghibli never ceases to amaze us with their intricate and vibrant designs, Only Yesterday (1991) is no exception.
The breathtaking backgrounds were brought to life by the talented background artist Kazuo Oga.
Oga has worked with major directors Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Osamu Dezaki.
#ghibli #スタジオジブリ
#OnlyYesterday #StudioGhibli #BackgroundArt #KazuoOga #mastoart #hayaomiyazaki #isaotakahata
#isaotakahata #hayaomiyazaki #MastoArt #kazuooga #backgroundart #studioghibli #OnlyYesterday #スタジオジブリ #ghibli