Here is my blog about customizing your own scenarios for the #IntrusionAnalysis game #kc7 by @KC7cyber. Customize the company, actors and #malware. Thanks again to Simeon Kakpovi and the others that spent their time developing this.
#threatintel #cti #threathunting #threatintelligence #securityanalysis #cyberthreatintel #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecurity
#intrusionanalysis #kc7 #malware #threatintel #cti #threathunting #threatintelligence #securityanalysis #cyberthreatintel #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecurity
My follow up blog post to the one I published a few days ago about #kc7 from @KC7cyber. I cover setting up the scoring board and making it accessible to the players. I also go over both admin and player usage.
#kc7 #cti #threatintel #IntrusionAnalysis#cybersecurity #infosec #CyberThreatAnalysis #learning
#kc7 #cti #threatintel #intrusionanalysis #infosec #cyberthreatanalysis #learning
Here is my new blog post about a cool #IntrusionAnalysis game I heard about at the #sans #ctisummit called #kc7 by @KC7cyber (the bird place). This post goes into setting up the server to generate your own data. #intrusionanalysis #threatintel #cti #securityanalysis
#intrusionanalysis #sans #ctisummit #kc7 #threatintel #cti #securityanalysis