Via #KC8OWL via
From his message:
"257 amateur operators from around the globe tested their APRS capabilities during this week’s #APRSTHURSDAY World Wide APRS net."
"NOTE: due to the Thanksgiving Holiday next Thursday in the United States I will be unable to run net control. We will resume the net the following Thursday. Reminders will be posted here."
73 all, and spread the word! KC8OWL
(Full log at
[ #aprs ]
There is a weekly #APRS net run on Thursdays by Mike #KC8OWL . It is coordinated through the APRS mailing list on with the hashtag #APRSThursday .
Check-in instructions on the attached graphic, which was also posted here by @KO4RGZ
I used to check in on my Mac, from @w8wjb - it was a good round-trip test to see that I could get everything correct. So far I have done Internet only, but RF is not far behind.