Good explainer and timelines from #kcal #MarkinaBrown
#meteorologists #hurricanehilary #hilary #meteorology #California #losangeles
#kcal #markinabrown #meteorologists #hurricanehilary #hilary #meteorology #California #losangeles
I'm 300 grams above the number for a "normal" #BMI. It is now calculated as 25. When I lose another 300 grams (about 1/2 pound for you Imperialists) I'll be 24.9 and right at the top of "normal". I'm planning to lose a little more weight so that I'll end up in the middle of "normal" so that I don't have to constantly watch every #kcal I consume. Not that I'm going to stop doing that now. I clearly have a tendency to put on weight if I'm not careful. #WeightLoss
Es weiss jeder selbst, ob sie/er ein fettarmer Muskelprotz ist und deshalb einen hohen BMI hat, oder ob es an was anderem liegt. So gesehen ist der #BMI ein guter Anhaltspunkt für die zweitgenannte Gruppe.
Einfach täglich weniger #Kcal zu sich nehmen als verbrauchen. Dann klappt es mit Gewichtsreduktion wie von selbst. Braucht nicht mal Sport, auch wenn der mithelfen würde. Ich habe so 30 kg abgenommen - nachhaltig.
Noch kürzer: Weniger und dafür gesünder (fr)essen! 👆
#KCAL confirming the second scene in #Alhambra is at Lai Lai Ballroom. #MontereyPark
@BNODesk@twitter BNO News:
Police are at the scene of Lai Lai Ballroom & Studio in Alhambra, right next to Monterey Park. CBS LA reports that someone may have been disarmed by citizens. Unclear if it's linked to mass shooting
#kcal #alhambra #montereypark #massshooting #aapi #activeshooter
Weet iemand hoeveel #kcal je #verbrand op een #elektrische #fiets?
#fiets #elektrische #verbrand #kcal
#Amtrak service is canceled between San Luis Obispo and LA through tomorrow due to severe weather conditions, officials said.
#kcal #cbsla #sanluisobispo #losangeles #caweather #cawx #amtrak
Sheba Turk going from an anchor desk in New Orleans where the weather can be wildly unpredictable to an anchor desk in Los Angeles where the weather is always... oh wait... lordy... that's got to be surreal.
#neworleans #wwltv #losangeles #kcal
Naapurihuoneesta huudettiin, että Tallipihan kahvila alkaa pian taas myydä niitä laskiaispulliaan. Viime vuonna minuun meni piru, ja söin nutellatäytteisen kerroslaskiaispullan. #kcal
Sheba Turk will very soon be the new weekend anchor at channel 9 in Los Angeles. One of the very best in the business is moving west.
#wwltv #neworleans #kcal #losangeles #blackfriday
Sheba Turk will very soon be the new weekend anchor at channel 9 in Los Angeles. One of the very best in the business is moving west.
#wwltv #neworleans #kcal #losangeles
Czas wrócić do normalnej diety 😊
Czas na omlecika z malinami 😋
Kcal - 717
Carbs - 49gr
Fat - 25gr
Prot - 73gr
#Fediverse #omlet #dieta #diet #workout #gym #fitness #Kcal #LewymOkiemDoPrawejKieszeni
#fediverse #omlet #dieta #diet #workout #gym #fitness #kcal #lewymokiemdoprawejkieszeni
Melanzane marinate alla griglia | Se le fai così saranno super | Ottime per chi è a dieta, 65 kcal.! #melanzane #marinate #griglia #così #saranno #super #ottime #dieta #kcal #21agosto
#21agosto #kcal #Dieta #ottime #super #saranno #così #griglia #marinate #melanzane
Con sole 2 zucchine e 2 pomodori porti in tavola la cena in pochi minuti | Ideale per perdere peso | Solo 90 Kcal! #sole #zucchine #pomodori #porti #tavola #cena #pochi #minuti #ideale #perdere #peso #kcal #17agosto
#17agosto #kcal #peso #perdere #Ideale #minuti #pochi #cena #tavola #porti #pomodori #zucchine #sole
Cheesecake al microonde, ti verrà perfetta! Senza farina, senza zucchero e in 10 minuti! 140 Kcal. #cheesecake #microonde #verrà #perfetta #farina #zucchero #minuti #kcal #10agosto
#10agosto #kcal #minuti #zucchero #farina #perfetta #verrà #microonde #cheesecake
3 patate, formaggio e niente uova: guarda cosa ci preparo, talmente buona che la faccio sempre! Solo 200 Kcal #patate #formaggio #uova #guarda #preparo #talmente #buona #faccio #kcal #10agosto
#10agosto #kcal #faccio #buona #talmente #preparo #guarda #uova #formaggio #patate
2 zucchine, affettale e insaporisci velocemente in padella. Un contorno veloce e delizioso. Solo 160 Kcal! #zucchine #affettale #insaporisci #velocemente #padella #contorno #veloce #delizioso #kcal #10agosto
#10agosto #kcal #delizioso #veloce #contorno #padella #velocemente #insaporisci #affettale #zucchine
Grattugia le zucchine e mettile in teglia: avrai un piatto super dietetico con Solo 70 kcal. #grattugia #zucchine #mettile #teglia #avrai #piatto #super #dietetico #kcal #9agosto
#9agosto #kcal #dietetico #super #piatto #avrai #teglia #mettile #zucchine #grattugia
Torta alla ricotta e albicocche, un dolce leggerissimo dal cuore cremoso. Solo 190 Kcal! #torta #ricotta #albicocche #dolce #leggerissimo #cuore #cremoso #kcal #7agosto
#7agosto #kcal #Cremoso #cuore #leggerissimo #dolce #albicocche #ricotta #torta