Almost all videos from KCD Los Angeles are now live!
Also, see the SCALE schedule grid for Cloud Native videos from the rest of the conference:
#scale20x #kcdla #kcd #kubernetes
Amusing moments in #Scale20x: right now JJ Ashgar is on stage talking about something he built with Mofizur Rahman a while ago ... and Mofizur is delivering a different talk in the next room.
Can’t make it in person. Enjoying #kcdla and #Scale20x remotely
In 10 minutes in Ballroom H: Kubernetes Cost Monitoring with OpenCost from Matt Ray.
Thanks to everyone for attending my Minimum Viable Kubernetes talk at SCaLE! My slides are up at and I'll post the video there as well once it's available next week.
I think Kubernetes is a great choice for small teams and I'm always happy to answers questions about it.
#kcdla #kcd #scale #SCALE20x #socallinuxexpo