Kotaku: Fortnite’s New Battle Pass Features ‘This Is Fine’ Joke https://kotaku.com/fortnite-this-fine-emote-season-4-chapter-3-battle-pass-1850522817 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #fortnitebattleroyale #battleroyalegame #alfonsoribeiro #fadsandtrends #windowsgames #battleroyale #videogaming #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #kcgreen #gaming #floss #milly
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #fortnitebattleroyale #battleroyalegame #alfonsoribeiro #fadsandtrends #windowsgames #battleroyale #videogaming #battlepass #videogames #epicgames #fortnite #kcgreen #floss #milly
"10 years later, ‘This is fine’ meme creator wants to put out the fire"
@library_futures on the other site noted, "The WaPo probably didn't mean to promote the commons, but their examination of the 'This is fine' meme highlights what happens when we share culture rather than hoarding it--"
#meme #ThisIsFine #culture #KCGreen
Gift article 🎁https://wapo.st/3wj93Bz
#meme #thisisfine #culture #kcgreen
#Artist behind #ThisIsFine #meme can't escape it 10 years later — and he's fine with that — #KCGreen embodies the dog from the #comic in more ways than one
#comic #kcgreen #meme #thisisfine #artist
REM's "It's The End of the World" was on earlier, and I...had to do it. I'm sure this pun's been made before, but whatevs. Enjoy this beloved piece of garbage!
#rem #ItsTheEndOfTheWorld #ThisIsFine #KCGreen #MastoArt #99X #atlanta #atl
(Unsure how to add alt text: the image is KC Green's "This Is Fine" comic. Panel 1: radio on the table with "99X" on the dial, and the words, "It's the end of the world as we know it" above the dog in the fiery room. Panel 2: the dog says, "And I feel fine.")
#rem #itstheendoftheworld #thisisfine #kcgreen #MastoArt #99x #atlanta #atl