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Ich würde dieses auf #kdediscuss unter development oder brainstorm Posten.
Da sprechen dich dann evtl. die Entwickler an, wie du das melden kannst:
KDE Discuss - GNU/Linux.ch
....interessant für alle die das "alte" KDE-Forum genutzt haben.
Say hello to KDE Discuss!
A new discussion service from KDE for everybody who makes and uses KDE software.
#KDEDiscuss is a place for questions, requests, suggestions, banter, and in general interacting closely with the people actively involved in KDE, as well as with fellow users.
#KDEDiscuss is also a great way of getting up-to-date news about your favorite apps, new KDE products, environments and frameworks directly from those who create them.
Das KDE Forum unter https://forum.kde.org/ wird laut einer Ankündigung auf der Homepage demnächst geschlossen und duch das moderne "KDE Discuss" ersetzt.
According to an announcement on the homepage, the KDE forum at https://forum.kde.org/ will soon be closed and replaced by the modern "KDE Discuss".
KDE Discuss --> https://discuss.kde.org/
#linuxdesktop #kdecommunity #kdediscuss #kdeforum #kde