Playing around with #salt on #plantuml to write #wireframes out of boredom. Had been aware, but not really tried my hand at this stuff - it is pretty convenient.
I do have a shell script wrapper at the moment that I've been using locally to automount/unmount my #gocryptfs and #cryfs folders while storing the passwords in #kdewallet. I'd like to convert that to a #python UI (I'm not proficient in python or GUI design). Been reading up in my spare time on #qtquick #qml etc.
#salt #plantuml #wireframes #gocryptfs #cryfs #kdewallet #python #qtquick #qml
#kdewallet suffered from the same problem that already led to 'split jar' problems in another software. This is fixed with #release 1.3.0.
Right, think I've recovered from my adventures with #KDEWallet most of my stuff is back working again. That #akonadi thing is a right nuisance!
#kdewallet #akonadi #bionic #kubuntu