@fell @kde It's really good, innit! Found it a few years back, whence it became my default/fav diff-er.
Like @j3j5 said, #kompare still has a place in my workflow too, but for more complicated stuff when i want better control, it's #kdiff3 .
Eg: for truly assisting manage my pacdiffs...
`sudo -H DIFFPROG=kdiff3 pacdiff`
@e33io I tried #meld, but for me it didn't work as well as #kdiff3. With kdiff3 I find it easier to apply both local and remote changes (allowing to fix anomalies at once). Kdiff3 also shows clearer which conflicts it could resolve automatically, and for which conflicts it needs my help.
https://askubuntu.com/questions/1391520/meld-failed-to-register/1391522#1391522 #Meld : Failed to register: Timeout was reached
, any clue ? I suspect something wrong with #dbus / #systemd on my #ubuntu system ... using #kdiff3 meanwhile or is there any other tool to try ?
#meld #dbus #systemd #ubuntu #kdiff3