I'm pretty happy that my brain has decided to cool off with the #geopolitics obsession and veer towards #CDramas & #Kdramas instead. Yipee! Much healthier and way more fun.
As per my usual streak of obsessive topics, I've created a #Kdrama & #Cdrama blog, Youtube channel & podcast. To be fair, I've blogged about shows off and on, but thought it was best to consolidate it to one space to not confuse people who visit my personal site.
Blog: https://dramatea88.wordpress.com/
#geopolitics #cdramas #kdramas #kdrama #cdrama
As if I didn't need more hobbies, I created a #CDrama and #KDrama blog ... and #Youtube & maybe podcast channel. Lol. Still in the nascent stage.
Before, I jumped threw everything into my personal blog. But I realised that it's just more efficient to group my reviews on one blog.
Who knows maybe I can sell for a million bucks in the future bwahaha.
#cdrama #kdrama #youtube #cdramas #kdramas #blog
Kim Min-jae (of POONG THE JOSEON PSYCHIATRIST) is enlisting for his required military service. Cue the title song from BYE-BYE BIRDIE!
You know when Yeo Jin-goo goes in I will be for two years like (Terrible BUSINESS PROPOSAL pun incoming) “You know I have no 진구!“
I'm finding that face blindness comes up in #KDramas with surprising (to me) frequency.
Is face blindness more common in Korea than other countries? Is this a Korean storytelling convention? Both? Something else?
Upon describing the premise and themes of D.P. to my husband he said it sounds a lot like A FEW GOOD MEN which I don’t think I’ve seen.
This is the movie where Tom Cruise says “I want the truth!” and Jack Nicholson says “You can’t handle the truth!”
When discussing D.P. on the #kdrama #discord I made a reference to FULL METAL JACKET and one of the younger folks there had no idea what I was talking about. I feel old! But on the bright side that person looked it up and decided they wanted to watch it.
(If they can handle D.P. they can handle FULL METAL JACKET.) #kdramas
How you feel after a #CDrama or #KDrama you adore ends
#KDramas #CDramas Yes I can't move on from #MysteriousLotusCasebook
#cdrama #kdrama #kdramas #cdramas #mysteriouslotuscasebook
Reintroducing myself so those folks whose posts I have commented on don't think that I am some kind of nutter. 😉
I left the BlueBird site the day EM took the reins last year. I went from teens to 20s in the #80s and other than here, I don't "do" social media. Not because I don't understand it, I just really can't be bothered to watch TikTok vids, Instagram my food or FB long forgotten school chums.
Canadian by birth, lived in #England for close to 20 yrs before coming back to Canada over a decade ago. I miss my adoptive home. I have 2 great adult children and could talk all day about #kdramas #books #cinema #sewing #cooking #travel #80smusic. I also consider myself a pretty good #pubquiz team member.
Chose my since passed beloved 13yr old Doodle as my profile pic.
#introduction #80s #england #kdramas #books #cinema #sewing #Cooking #Travel #80smusic #pubquiz
Decided to fast forward to the last two episodes and was glad I didn't power through this drama. The ending would have pissed me off royally - not to mention it didn't make any sense 🤣
#kdrama #kdramas #seeyouinmy19thlife
I am watching the third episode of #My19thLife... And I am bored? This is not good 😅 I was really interested in this one.
#my19thlife #kdrama #kdramas #tv #korea #drama
THE ROYAL GAMBLER portrays King Sukjong (father of King Yeongjo) as a horrible tyrant and monster but he was actually a decent King for the most part. He just had a knack for using factional infighting to his own advantage, which meant he would help one faction purge its opponents from the court every decade or so. This entailed dismissing a bunch of ministers, sending some people into exile, executing a few folks, and maybe deposing/demoting a Queen. #kdrama #kdramas /1
I had said before that JACKPOT/THE ROYAL GAMBLER/DAEBAK is overwrought and stupid but potentially in an entertaining way, and now that it’s time-skipped forward twenty years so that Yeo Jin-goo and and Jang Geun-sook are taking center stage it is really *entertainingly* stupid. (Always give a #kdrama 3-4 episodes to hit its stride before deciding whether to keep watching or drop it.) #kdramas /1
This show is turning out to be entertainingly bad and stupid 2 episodes in. Yeo Jin-goo shows up as Prince Yeoning, the future King Yeongjo, in the third episode.
I am hoping for a grand, swaggering, larger-than-life performance, and I am optimistic about it because this dramas take on Yeongjo seems to be that “his awesomeness extended back through time even to infancy and bent the laws of probability.” #kdrama #kdramas
Finishing MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO has got me wondering again if Bhelen Aeducan of #DragonAgeOrigins is based on Emperor Gwangjong of Goryeo. They were bloody tyrants for the aristocratic classes of their realms (including members of their own families!) and at the same time reformist champions of the lower classes.
They also strengthened and stabilized their respective kingdoms, which…honestly, only someone willing to put the boot in the nobles could have done. #kdrama #kdramas
#dragonageorigins #kdrama #kdramas
Really enjoying #MyDearest so far (I’m caught up now). Some people on the #Kdrama #Discord were a little put off by the Wes Anderson vibes of the premiere but it pays off later. It’s also unsparingly critical about Joseon’s patriarchy, monarchy, and aristocracy, which is something I always love to see in a sageuk. And it has Namkoong Min being very Namkoong Min. #kdramas
#mydearest #kdrama #discord #kdramas
Injo couped Gwanghae, the previous king, with the aid of a conservative court faction that did not like Gwanghae for being the son of a concubine (among other things). Gwanghae often gets a bad rap and is portrayed as an evil figure in some #kdramas, undeservedly.
When Injo is portrayed as an evil figure it is totally 100% deserved. /end