I've been thinking more about what you wrote. As you point out, many people are excellent in certain areas (stubbornness in the face of massive public pressure here, for example) while being quite flawed in others. Very few are #goodHumanBeings all around.
If I knew anything about the #KeatingFive, it was years ago. I had to go and Google it.
RT @doctorow@twitter.com
Covering the Blockchain Eight bribery scandal for @TheProspect@twitter.com, @ddayen@twitter.com hearkens back to the #KeatingFive scandal of 1987, when five senators wrote to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to insist that they lay off Lincoln Savings and Loan:
https://prospect.org/power/congressmembers-tried-to-stop-secs-inquiry-into-ftx/ 21/
Somehow, a glass of water will corrupt a corporate buyer, but a $100m super-PAC donation will have no impact on the judgment of an elected official.
Covering the Blockchain Eight bribery scandal for *The American Prospect*, David Dayen hearkens back to the #KeatingFive scandal of 1987, when five senators wrote to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to insist that they lay off Lincoln Savings and Loan: