Two lifetimes lost
To different entities.
Two lifetimes brought back together
By imminent tragedies.
You held me as I entered this Earth,
I’ve promised to hold you as you exit.
It doesn’t feel real -
The families structure will keel,
I kneel
By your bedside,
And bid a final goodnight.
#mastoprompt #keel #earlygrief
Internal mutiny
External scrutiny
Crew mates appalled
Captain getting keelhauled
We've been yelling til hoarse
We have to plot our own course!
Waves come crashing and tumbling over the bough as I struggle to keep hold. An endless barrage of whitecaps comes rolling in as my knuckles grip the oars. The tempest is furious, wind roaring and howling like a banshee, but I know the storm will pass. I will get back on course, gripping the tiller and directing the keel towards the safety of the shore.
#MastoPrompt 2023-03-31
They say all you need is a hand's breadth of water under the #keel to keep things going.
But what if you are moving through the desert? - she thought, ready to keel over from exhaustion.
no stir in the sea
the keel was still as could be
steady in the ocean
#TheArtDistrict #Haiku #Poetry #Prompts #Poem #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity #Writing #AYearforArt #BuyIntoArt #Art #MastoArt #POTD #Photography #FediGiftShop #smile #follow #SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #FollowFriday #ship #sailing #pirate #sea #boat #boating
#MastoPrompt #keel #sharepamsart #theartdistrict #haiku #poetry #prompts #poem #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #writing #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt #art #mastoart #potd #photography #fedigiftshop #smile #follow #smallpoems #microfiction #followfriday #ship #sailing #pirate #sea #boat #boating
Invisible thing
Keeps you stable in the waves
Of life's manoevres
#MastoPrompt March 31 #Keel
#Haiku #Micropoetry #MicroPoem
#MastoPrompt #keel #haiku #micropoetry #micropoem
Got some crime
No place to for the time?
Try #keel hauling.
It's appalling
Crime's falling!
#keel #cringeworthy #mastoprompt #poetry #smallpoems
The #MastoPrompt for Friday 31st March 2023 is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #keel #MastoPrompt
🚨Tõlke funktsionaalsus lehel olemas!!!🚨
Täna saime ühes jutulõimes teada, et :mastodon:is on võimalik lisada tõlke funtksionaalsus. @henri tegi nüüd siin kiiret maagiat🪄🎩🐇 ning ongi olemas võõrkeelsete postituste juures tõlke nupp.
Kes näeb oma eesti keelse postituse all tõlkenuppu, siis palun vaadake oma postituse keeleseaded üle, sest siis on ka teistel serveritel teie posituste tõlkimisega probleeme…
For those interested in obscure international cases, check out this older episode of mine where Cole Herrold and I break down a flying humanoid mass sighting in Serbia! This was very close to me and I remember it all unfolding 😁
#cryptids #cryptozoology #weird #highstrangeness #paranormal #ufos #Humanoids #fortean #forteana #keel #mothman
#cryptids #cryptozoology #weird #highstrangeness #paranormal #ufos #humanoids #fortean #forteana #keel #mothman