"...after two weeks of reflecting on the Planned Parenthood marchers, I’m struggling to justify not supporting them in getting as many abortions as they want."
Finally some wisdom.
#keepabortionlegal #freeborts4libs
The illogical arguments forced birthers use are exhausting. (Which is probably the point).
They either are trying to save adults from "bad medicine" with arguments of health and safety or using unproven and dangerous fake science to endanger the people they claim they are trying to keep safe.
As a fully grown ass adult, I don't need religious extremists trying to parent me.
What a steaming crock of #FascistBullshit #NoTheocracy
#SeparationChurchAndState #AbortionISHealthcare #KeepAbortionLegal
#fascistbullshit #notheocracy #separationchurchandstate #AbortionIsHealthcare #keepabortionlegal
Abortion, Every Day (1.31.23)
#gopdeathcult #gopculturewar #ReproductiveJustice #keepabortionlegal
not perfect but it's a good start. #abortion #prochoice #keepabortionlegal
#abortion #prochoice #keepabortionlegal
Looking for people who care
#EndHindutva #BlackLivesMatter #TransRights #NativeRights #LandBack #DisabilityRights #JusticeForMigrants #LGBT #JusticeForAll #AbolishThePolice #AbolishPrisons #KeepAbortionLegal #AbolishCaste #GenderEquity #ClimateEquity #ScienceIsReal #BringBackMaskMandates
#endhindutva #blacklivesmatter #transrights #nativerights #Landback #disabilityrights #justiceformigrants #lgbt #justiceforall #AbolishThePolice #abolishprisons #keepabortionlegal #abolishcaste #genderequity #climateequity #scienceisreal #bringbackmaskmandates
Let's hashtag it up!
#doommetal #noiserock #stonerrock #blackmetal #postmetal #postrock #drone #punk #postpunk #blacklivesmatter #LGBTQrights #keepabortionlegal #abortionrights #musicproduction #livemusic
#doommetal #noiserock #stonerrock #blackmetal #postmetal #postrock #drone #punk #postpunk #blacklivesmatter #lgbtqrights #keepabortionlegal #abortionrights #musicproduction #livemusic
I've only been on hear since the past weekend. I keep forgetting the hashtags. Just gave you a follow.
#keepabortionlegal #civilrights #savedemocracy
#keepabortionlegal #civilrights #savedemocracy