@isomeme I use #KeePassXC on desktop and you can pair it up with #StrongBox (iOS) or #KeePassDX (Android) on mobile. Offline solutions works best since cloud services can't be trusted as you well know.
#keepassxc #strongbox #keepassdx
Wow, the #LastPass fiasco looks even worse now that the people responsible for it's hack has cracked some of the stolen vault keys. More in this piece from @briankrebs: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/09/experts-fear-crooks-are-cracking-keys-stolen-in-lastpass-breach/
And here's the accompanying thread https://infosec.exchange/@briankrebs/111015350823290724
It's another example into why you should only rely on offline solutions when picking a password manager, such as #KeePass #KeePassXC #KeepassDX and/or #Strongbox
#lastpass #keepass #keepassxc #keepassdx #strongbox #passwords #passwordmanager
#keepassdx get's a material 3 redesign! This made my day (i am an extreme ui fetishist).
@kirschner #AntennaPod for Podcasts, #Fedilab for Mastodon and Fediverse, #Transistor for my daily #Dlf radio needs, #Aegis for #2FA, the recent version of #AnkiDroid for learning via flash cards, #SimpleGalleryPro for media management. #Auxio as a simple yet nice looking audio player. #OrganicMaps as an simple alternative to the mighty #OsmAnd. #NewPipe for my video streaming needs (even though #LibreTube is a very fine alternative when it exclusively comes to #YouTube), #Quillpad for taking notes, #KeePassDX as password manager. #DAVx5 to get stuff synchronized, #FairEmail as email client. #Feeder for my RSS feed needs. And finally the still new #FDroidBasic client allowing automatic updates of installed apps.
Recently tried out #SimpleX messenger and like it quite a bit so far. @fdroid
#transistor #simplex #fdroidbasic #feeder #fairemail #davx5 #keepassdx #quillpad #youtube #LibreTube #newpipe #osmand #organicMaps #auxio #simplegallerypro #ankidroid #2fa #aegis #dlf #fedilab #antennapod
I installed #syncthing on my desktop and phone, to share my very small set of local files. And #keepassdx on my phone. Man, I missed these nice tools. And all I had to do to get here, was stop using that stupid Chromebook.
@abbienormal I use #KeepassXC on Linux, #KeepassDX on Android and I sync everything with #Syncthing
#keepassxc #keepassdx #syncthing
Or you could just set it up for them once [incl. a #PasswordManager to store the credentials - https://enpass.io / #Enpass is an option if #KeePassXC / #KeePassDX is "too complex" to use] and get it over with...
Maybe people hate me at the beginning for being a Benevolent Dictator but over time they all came around and understood...
#Enpass #PasswordManager #keepassdx #keepassxc
Anche io uso #keepassdx in ogni dove. Però preferisco sincronizzare con #Nextcloud che non scancella nulla 😁
Segnalo questa guida per tenere sincronizzato il database di Keepass su PC e telefono tramite Syncthing e quindi senza passare dal cloud: https://youtu.be/jL7gfM27EUA
Ovviamente è bene accetta qualsiasi osservazione in merito alla procedura indicata.
#keepass #keepassxc #keepassdx #syncthing
My top apps I run on my #GrapheneOS #Pixel6 and #PixelTablet
#Brave browser, #tutanota email client, #KeePassDX, #Tusky, #Signal, #Netflix, #Disney+, #GooglePlayStore (yes, I know...)
#GooglePlayStore #Disney #Netflix #Signal #Tusky #keepassdx #tutanota #Brave #PixelTablet #pixel6 #grapheneos
#mastohelp #keepassdx #android
Hello les mastonautes et surtout les plus geeks d'entre vous, j'ai besoin de votre aide:
Depuis 2 ou 3 jours, je n'arrive plus à ouvrir mes fichiers *.kdbx stocké sur Dropbox (je sais, ce n'est pas du FOSS ou de l'auto-hébergement...) avec la fonction biometrique des empreintes digitales. Cela m'oblige donc à rentrer le trèèès long mot de passe principal à chaque fois.
Sauriez-vous m'aider à fixer ce problème svp?
Bonne journée et bon week-end
#android #keepassdx #mastohelp
Ho svuotato i miei gestori di password su #Bitwarden e #ProtonPass, e ho disinstallato le rispettive applicazioni dal mio browser.
Preferisco usare #KeePassXC, installato sul mio computer e #KeePassDX sul mio smartphone.
Mi sento più sicuro contro gli attacchi che sfruttano vulnerabilità "0 Day".
Il motivo è che non mi sentivo più di affrontare il rischio di un furto di password dopo avere letto un articolo su una vulnerabilità "di Bitwarden".
L'articolo in questione: https://www.ilsoftware.it/password-bitwarden-rubate-sfruttando-una-vulnerabilita-di-nginx/
#bitwarden #protonpass #keepassxc #keepassdx
Bei #KeePassDX nehme ich das mitgelieferte #magicjeyboard zum eintragen von Zugangsdaten. Da braucht es keine Google Play Dienste.
@kuketzblog hatte Seedvault Backup von pixel 4a, aber beim pixel 6a wurde es leider nicht erfolgreich eingespielt. Persönlich finde ich es besser und effizienter, wenn man NUR diese 4 Backups macht: K9 Settings, Kontakte, Netguard und KeePass. Die F-Droid Apps sind ja easy zu holen...
#Effizient #backup #grapheneos #saftyfirst #planb #pixel7a #k9 #keepass #keepassdx
#effizient #backup #grapheneos #saftyfirst #planb #pixel7a #k9 #keepass #keepassdx
1. #Passwortmanager ohne #Cloud (-Zwang!) nutzen (egal ob #KeePassXC / #KeePassDX oder #Enpass o.ä.
2. Sichere Passwörter erstellen (soehe https://github.com/kkarhan/misc-scripts/blob/9f67c4fdcda61f1ca91c70597732c492af460c33/bash/.bash_aliases#L5 ).
3. Zeug nur vollverschlüsselt speichern!
#Enpass #keepassdx #keepassxc #Cloud #Passwortmanager
Welt-Passwort-Tag: Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
.....auf die Zufälligkeit des Passwortes beim Zugang zum #Passwortmanager kommt es an.
Ich bin meinerseits dazu übergegangen alle Passwörter von #KeepassXC (Desktop) und #KeepassDX (Android) verwalten zu lassen.
#keepassdx #keepassxc #passwortmanager
I landed on KeePass as my password manager in the end. I'm using (GNOME) Secrets and KeePassXC on my computer and KeePassDX on my phone. The reason was simply that I found a way to move stuff into folders with Secrets and I like KeePass' local-first approach. Also, having a GNOME client is smth I appreciate :p
I haven't decided yet on a method for synchronising between my devices tho. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open. Lower complexity is better, p2p is preferred, automatic conflic resolution would be great.
#keepass #keepasscx #keepassdx #passwordmanager
Another nail in the coffin: #1Password is forcibly adding telemetry. https://blog.1password.com/privacy-preserving-app-telemetry/
Hacker News comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35691383
Like I said, it's best to rely on a completely offline password managing experience. #KeePassXC #KeePassDX #Strongbox are your best options at this point.
#1password #keepassxc #keepassdx #strongbox
@foss_android #Enpass (since it's really multi-platform and easy to use for #TechIlliterate "#normies") and #KeePassXC + #KeePassDX.
#keepassdx #keepassxc #normies #techilliterate #Enpass