@isomeme I use #KeePassXC on desktop and you can pair it up with #StrongBox (iOS) or #KeePassDX (Android) on mobile. Offline solutions works best since cloud services can't be trusted as you well know.
#keepassxc #strongbox #keepassdx
Wow, the #LastPass fiasco looks even worse now that the people responsible for it's hack has cracked some of the stolen vault keys. More in this piece from @briankrebs: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/09/experts-fear-crooks-are-cracking-keys-stolen-in-lastpass-breach/
And here's the accompanying thread https://infosec.exchange/@briankrebs/111015350823290724
It's another example into why you should only rely on offline solutions when picking a password manager, such as #KeePass #KeePassXC #KeepassDX and/or #Strongbox
#lastpass #keepass #keepassxc #keepassdx #strongbox #passwords #passwordmanager
Tuotteliaat pari päivää takana. KeePassXC:n Passkeys-tuki toimii nyt myös GitHubin ja Googlen tunnuksien kanssa :) Kyllä tästä vielä ihan hyvä kakku tulee.
@ulif @nitrokey @keepassxc Thx for your input. So far I have not unlocked #keepassxc with my #nitrokey 3; to my knowledge this was not possible. Nitrokey App is required for Nitrokey Pro and Nitrokey Storage only. Unfortunately I don’t understand anything following the #github link. Anybody else an idea how to proceed?
@nitrokey @keepassxc I don’t see a Nitrokey 3 option on macOS in the #KeePassXC 2.7.6 #security settings? What do I have to consider / set if I want to unlock my database with my #nitrokey 3C NFC?
#opensource #privacy #encryption #nitrokey #security #keepassxc
KeePassXC 2.7.6 released
Rilasciata la versione 2.7.6 di #KeePassXC il gestore di password gratuito e #OpenSource disponibile per #Windows #Mac e #Linux.
#keepassxc #opensource #windows #Mac #linux
¿Conocéis la aplicación #KeePassXC?. Si queréis usar un gestor de contraseñas libre, seguro y multiplataforma, os invito a que leáis la siguiente publicación. Enlace: https://tecnologiayopensource.blogspot.com/2022/09/keepassxc-un-excelente-gestor-de-contrasenas.html
#opensource #apps #gnu #linux #tecnología #blog #foss #informática #LunesDeSoftwareLibre
#keepassxc #opensource #apps #gnu #linux #tecnologia #blog #foss #informatica #lunesdesoftwarelibre
Frage an #keepass Benutzende unter #macOS:
Ich nutzte bisher #Macpass da dies IMHO besser zu Mac passt. Optisch und von der Bedienung.
Aber jetzt scheint es ein Problem mit dem relevanten Plugin für Silicon zu geben.
Welchen #keepass Client nutzt ihr auf MacOS?
#KeepassXC finde ich ziemlich hässlich und unangenehm.
#keepass #macos #macpass #keepassxc
I just realized, the password database in my remote backups is triple-encrypted. First by #KeepassXC, then by #restic, and then by the silly AWS S3 automatic server-side encryption. Hard to get more encrypted than that!
#keepassxc is a great tool to store your secrets. Here is a quickstart, some use cases and recommendations.
#keepassxc #blog #security #password
Beide Themen vereint, ermöglichen es jedermann, personenbezogene Daten passwortgeschützt in eMails zu übermitteln oder beispielsweise via USB-Stick geschützt mit sich zu tragen.
Meine Geschichte ist zwar kurz und knackig geschrieben, aber dennoch zu lang für einen LinkedIn-Beitrag. Daher hier der Link dazu:
Blog-Eintrag vom 15. Juli 2023
#passwordmanagement #passwortsecurity #itsecurity #keepass #keepassxc
#passwordmanagement #passwortsecurity #itsecurity #keepass #keepassxc
I decided to switch from #bitwarden to #keepassxc . I have a robust backup solution now, so I feel more comfortable with data for which the primary copy is on my local disk. And I feel not so great about my password data being in Azure cloud these days.
@murks Never put your passwords in the cloud... I would use #KeepassXC (Android) or #KeePassium (iOS) with #NextCloud, #WebDAV or #Syncthing.
But mb its not beginner friendly, but if you do the work, your friends should only click a few buttons at the end.
There is a section for syncing your passwords too. Just scroll through the article.
I found it very helpfull.
#keepassxc #Keepassium #nextcloud #webdav #syncthing #kuketzblog
L'interface de #KeepassXC est moins vieillotte si jamais :
Adding a few things:
#digital #privacy
It is possible to use the Play Store without a #google account, use the app "Aurora Store" via #fdroid to access it.
Several windows programs like the mentioned #veracrypt & #keepassxc have portable versions at @PortableApps
And when using a #windows (7, 8, 10, 11) device you might wanna install the program "DoNotSpy" first.
#windows #keepassxc #veracrypt #fdroid #google #privacy #digital
@kalvn a priori non mais j'ai pas suffisament creusé... Par contre il y'a #keepassxc qui sait faire ça : https://keepassxc.org/docs/KeePassXC_GettingStarted#_setup_browser_integration
> Plus I love not having to reach for my phone as much.
do you mean for Time-based one-time password?
In my case I don't use my phone for #TOTP at all, I do use #KeepassXC to securely save all of them - my phone is the 3rd backup of the vault if I ever lost my computer(s?). So no phone involved, synced via old rsync command.