Embracing the Full Spectrum: towards a new era of inclusive, open recognition
#OpenRecognition #OpenBadges #KeepBadgesWeird #Microcredentials
#openrecognition #openbadges #keepbadgesweird #microcredentials
I love this 'Mastodoner' badge that @jorge created in the KBW community!
Criteria: "The recipient is familiar with the mastodon interface and the different posting modes and timelines"
#keepbadgesweird #openbadges #openrecognition
Today was the day I attended my first ever #KeepBadgesWeird community call.
With the wonderful @epilepticrabbit as host.
I was so … sad today when I learned that #KeepBadgesWeird uses Medium.
I hope I can have a conversation with them this year to learn about the motivation and whether a change would be possible.
So ePIC 2022 in October was... epic and now the talk recordings are live. Here's @dajb talking about #KeepBadgesWeird 🤘
#keepbadgesweird #openbadges #verifiablecredentials
Just read this "Tim Berners-Lee's “Oh, Yeah?” button could have changed the internet" and was thinking about #openbadges the entire time. Trust is such an interesting concept to explore algorithmically. #keepbadgesweird cc @dajb @AnneKanne
#keepbadgesweird community call starting NOW! Join us! https://pad.weareopen.coop/p/KBW-community-calls
Excellent roundup of the thinky thinky posts we've written this year about #keepbadgesweird and #community building. Thanks @AnneKanne https://blog.weareopen.coop/we-are-thankful-for-keep-badges-weird-8b5c3bd6a895
We are thankful for Keep Badges Weird
(by @AnneKanne)
#KeepBadgesWeird #OpenBadges #DigitalBadges #MicroCredentials
#keepbadgesweird #openbadges #digitalbadges #microcredentials
What #MastodonSkills have you found that would make a good learning pathway to orient those being introduced to the platform this month? #keepbadgesweird
#keepbadgesweird #MastodonSkills
Just published a post on how to be a great moderator (from the tactics POV, not the "don't be a jerk" POV) #keepbadgesweird #community #moderation https://blog.weareopen.coop/how-to-be-a-great-moderator-4be4a30b920b
#keepbadgesweird #community #moderation
Do you have a #podcast? I'd like to come on your podcast to talk about #OpenRecognition and #VerifiableCredentials. This was a great episode of the Speexx Exchange podcast with Donald H Taylor last year, but there's so many other things I want to make sure the world is up to speed about #KeepBadgesWeird!
#keepbadgesweird #verifiablecredentials #openrecognition #podcast
Just issued a couple more Badge Wiki Barn Raiser badges. Love having new folks come and hack with us! #keepbadgesweird #openbadges #openrecognition #verifiablecredentials https://blog.weareopen.coop/creating-a-culture-of-recognition-39ffdb6cf943
#keepbadgesweird #openbadges #openrecognition #verifiablecredentials
New post on creating a culture of recognition by encouraging pro-social behaviours
#OpenBadges #CommunitiesOfPractice #KeepBadgesWeird #OpenRecognition
#openbadges #communitiesofpractice #keepbadgesweird #openrecognition
recorded a podcast yesterday about #openbadges and #keepbadgesweird. This morning, curious with a dash of exactitude, I read this thing I wrote 11 years ago. It's called "Being loud about badges" https://www.laurahilliger.com/models/being-loud-about-badges/
Just shared a couple posts with the #keepbadgesweird community and am hoping someone gets excited - this advocacting for #openrecognition piece needs more brain-power :) https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/829b365d-a3e8-42de-a552-2ee1b71a221c
#keepbadgesweird #openrecognition
RT @WeAreOpenCoop@twitter.com: Join us TOMORROW for the April #keepbadgesweird community call at 14:00 UTC. Get all the details @participate@twitter.com https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/9136e9a7-7661-476c-8d18-863730274a8c
or add it directly to your calendar: https://www.addevent.com/event/vy13451552
#openrecognition #openbadges #digitalcredentials #microcrede…
#keepbadgesweird #openrecognition #openbadges #digitalcredentials #microcrede
RT @WeAreOpenCoop@twitter.com: Next week on the 26th of April we have another #keepbadgesweird community call at 14:00 UTC. This time we want talk about KBW's purpose, your needs but also about all of your topics and ideas. We can't wait!
Add it to your calendar: https://www.addevent.com/event/vy13451552
@epilepticrabbit Since it keeps coming up here and the About page doesn't have a lot of context, what's the point of #KeepBadgesWeird, please?
RT @WeAreOpenCoop@twitter.com: The April #keepbadgesweird community call is happening next week! Get the deets, share your topics @participate@twitter.com : https://app.participate.com/communities/keep-badges-weird/62003f3f-a7ba-4f6a-990a-64d6f893016d/announcements/9136e9a7-7661-476c-8d18-863730274a8c #openbadges #digitalcredentials
#keepbadgesweird #openbadges #digitalcredentials