Courage is Grace Under Pressure. #ErnestHemingway. #goodvibes
This is a reminder that we all could use. Especially at these times of increased pressure. I know I will use it as a reminder for me. Deep breath. Enjoy your day, everyone. #keepcalm
#keepcalm #goodvibes #ernesthemingway
Un autre #meme #keepcalm en rapport.
#linux #windowsbashing #humour
#meme #keepcalm #linux #windowsbashing #humour
Spare a moment for the plucky Brits making the heroic effort to keep Easyjet and the Greek economy going. ✊ Unselfishly parachuting in to spend 2 weeks suffering air-conditioning and iced drinks by the pool amidst the wildfires. #StiffUpperLip #KeepCalm #CarryOn 🇬🇧 #ClimateCrisis #Heatwave #Greece 🦞
#Greece #heatwave #ClimateCrisis #carryon #keepcalm #stiffupperlip
RT @Peggy_Blond: Buďte v klidu! Pečujte o své psychické #zdraví, vztahy a kvalitu života. 9 perspektiv uslyšíte ve speciální sérii Hovorů @CRoPlus s Tatianou Čabákovou. Každý čtvrtek po 22. hodině nebo v podcastových aplikacích.
#prevence #psychohygiena #keepcalm
#zdraví #prevence #psychohygiena #keepcalm
Bon dia! A vegades m'imagino aturada en una estació veient passar el tren que va a tota òstia, la gent com marejada i superada a dintre aguantant inèrcies i sotracs i jo que m'ho miro passar en plan contemplatiu dient: quan es calmi pujo, així no.
Però de moment encara cada matí corro a enganxar-me d'un vagó, ni que sigui penjant de la porta, no fos cas que arribi tard vés a saber on.
#meestoyquitando #progressoadequadament #desideratum #keepcalm #vidacontemplativa #bondia
#meestoyquitando #progressoadequadament #desideratum #keepcalm #vidacontemplativa #bondia #necessitovacances
@xavi @vullunfestuc @GelatDeTramussos
Dubto que l'@spla es vulgui carregar el servidor Mastodon per despit, el que em va semblar entendre és que vol conservar el nom del domini per ús propi - potser es podria gestionar el traspàs del servidor a qui vulgui/pugui utilitzant un domini diferent (conservant config & dades). Ja ho veurem, queda prou temps com per anar-ho aclarint i parlant amb calma #keepCalm #migracióMastodont
@Caelumtangi No cal pas fer una desbandada general, queda molt de temps i encara es pot coordinar com enfocar-ho plegats - #keepCalm #migracióMastodont 😄
🚨Travel issues on last day in Ukraine
✔️I’m not worried
🐱 Easy Peasy
On my way to Lviv Volunteer Kitchen to work and to ask my friends for help on finding a solution.
Business as usual, prepare morale booster ready made meals for soldiers on the front lines.
Slava Ukraini🇺🇦
#ukraine #travel #volunteering #lviv #standwithukraine #boston #noworries #positiveenergy #keepcalm #friends
#friends #keepcalm #PositiveEnergy #NoWorries #boston #StandWithUkraine #lviv #volunteering #travel #Ukraine
You are probably safe
#kitteh #ninjacats #kitsmum #tuesdaymotivations #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #poison #poisoncontrol #MrYuck #becareful #lies #rumors #watchout #notnormal #tuesdayMorning #keepcalm #TrainingTuesday #vibecheck
#kitteh #ninjacats #kitsmum #tuesdaymotivations #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #poison #poisoncontrol #mryuck #becareful #lies #rumors #watchout #notnormal #tuesdaymorning #keepcalm #trainingtuesday #vibecheck
Dieses ganze Getue um den Streik am Montag... Geht's nur mir so oder ist das diese Wohlstandsverwahrlosung?
Als ob die Welt unterginge, wenn man mal einen Tag ein paar Einschränkungen hinnehmen muss.
New Product on my page at Amazon! Keep Calm and Go Fishing PopSockets Swappable PopGrip : Cell Phones & Accessories
#Fishing #KeepCalm #ForHim #ForHer #FediGifts #FathersDay #MothersDay #GuyGifts
#fishing #keepcalm #forhim #forher #fedigifts #fathersday #mothersday #guygifts
#Yay and #YippitySkippity...!!
#BurgersForTea...! They're #NotEntirelySuitableForVegetarians... #TrueStory
#KeepCalm #AsYouWere... | #NothingToSeeHere #MoveAlong
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🍟🍔🥓🦄🥓🍔🍟
#yay #yippityskippity #burgersfortea #notentirelysuitableforvegetarians #truestory #keepcalm #asyouwere #nothingtoseehere #movealong
Browsing the federated timeline...
Oh look. The self-righteous. Judging others as if they (or anyone) are even in a position to judge anybody.
Anger, hate, expletives, cursing and vulgarity never impressed me.
#mute! 🤪
And if you wonder why your world is so awful and why everything to you just sucks, well...
You get what you give. 🤷♀️
#DontBeToxic #KeepCalm #BeKind
#mute #dontbetoxic #keepcalm #bekind
Mindful that #Spoutible has a number of #Capacity and #Infrastructure issues at the moment (many of which will be resolved in time, hopefully); there are a number of requests to #Follow stacking-up...
#AllThingsBeingEqual; these platforms will #HoldSteady, and will #Grow into #SomethingSpecial...
#BePatient; #KeepCalm, and you can #FindMe easily enough under the #MastadonSpyBalloon: 🎈🕵️🦄🕵️🎈
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎠🦹☕🦄☕🦹🎠
#spoutible #capacity #infrastructure #follow #allthingsbeingequal #holdsteady #grow #somethingspecial #meanwhile #bepatient #keepcalm #findme #mastadonspyballoon
We have an: #EarlyTankapultPrototype...
#InDevelopment... | #HaveADoughnut
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕🦹🍩🦄🍩🦹☕
#earlytankapultprototype #indevelopment #haveadoughnut #donotbealarmed #keepcalm
#BTW: For the sake of #OpenTransparency
While #Spoutible is #SettlingIn to the already saturated #SocialMedia / #MessagingMarket; here are a few #GroundRules / #SecuritySettings I like to #Observe...
#KeepCalm | #NoFuss #ZeroDrama
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | ☕️🍪🍫🦄🍫🍪☕️
#btw #opentransparency #spoutible #settlingin #socialmedia #messagingmarket #groundrules #securitysettings #observe #keepcalm #nofuss #zerodrama
Wednesday is a little Friday. Therefore, I suggest that all workaholics have a party, at least in pajamas ;) And change the work scenery to home.
I created this picture in 2016, at the beginning of my SMM-manager career. Then I planned to combine work with a hobby and got stuck in Adobe Illustrator.
It seems to me that this message is still relevant to this day). What do you think?
#Wednesday #illustrator #design #party #archives #worklifebalance #keepcalm
#Wednesday #illustrator #design #party #archives #worklifebalance #keepcalm
As the Windsor Wars escalate, Mike Gregory looks at one of our favourite national myths and finds it sadly lacking. Keep Calm and Carry On??
#Bylines #Spare #HarryandMeghan #WilliamAndKate #KeepCalm
#bylines #spare #harryandmeghan #williamandkate #keepcalm