Late to the party! My little old #gardening companion, George. He's a rescue cat found in a skip behind a pizza shop in Sunderland. #internationalcatday #CatsOfMastodon #catstodon #keepcalmandcarryon
#gardening #internationalcatday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #keepcalmandcarryon
gekauft in "vorkriegszeiten" im england-urlaub, jetzt gelesen: "Keep calm and carry on: the truth behind the poster" von bex lewis.
– eine interessante "kulturgeschichte" des mittlerweile berühmten posters: #keepcalmandcarryon
[die autorin ist 2021 verstorben: 😔]
If the truths of reincarnation come further out of the closet, the concepts of austerity and knowing your station in life - will be forever ascended by that consciousness.
#Reincarnation #PastLives #Austerity #Ascension #Consciousness #MindTheGap #KeepCalmAndCarryOn #ClassWar #ClassWarfare #PeckingOrder #Institution #Institutional #Subjugation #Racism #UnconsciousBias
#reincarnation #pastlives #austerity #ascension #consciousness #mindthegap #keepcalmandcarryon #classwar #classwarfare #peckingorder #institution #institutional #subjugation #racism #unconsciousbias
Five things in my current WIP:
1. An #alternateuniverse version of Britain, tentatively called Albia.
2. A revolutionary war which breaks out after the Windsors murder the transitioning Prince Dai and #FreddieMercury in Paris.
3. A change in personnel on #DoctorWho in the mid-80s which has wide-ranging cultural effects.
4. #DavidBowie, making the records of his 90s resurgence in prison.
5. The villain of the story is the #keepcalmandcarryon poster, or rather what it represents.
#alternateuniverse #freddiemercury #doctorwho #davidbowie #keepcalmandcarryon