#HenryFord #quotes #inspiration #motivation #success
When life gets tough, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind. ✈️
It's easy to give up when things are going wrong. But if you keep fighting, you'll eventually overcome the obstacles in your way. 💪
Don't let the challenges of life stop you from achieving your dreams. 💫
So keep going, even when it's tough. You're stronger than you think. 💪
#henryford #quotes #inspiration #motivation #success #nevergiveup #keepfighting #neverstopdreaming
🥊💥 You're likely just a punch or two away from victory. Don't let a fall keep you down.
💪 Stand back up, put your gloves on, and jump back into the ring. The triumph is yours for the taking!
#motivation #keepfighting #successisnear
I haven't checked in on this page in a while. I just haven't felt much up to it. Depression is cruel, hard and extremely overwhelming.. but you have to keep pushing. So today I got back on the horse and it felt like riding a bike. #keepfighting #depression #anxiety #dj #fortheloveofmusic
#keepfighting #depression #anxiety #dj #fortheloveofmusic
@heidilifeldman My heart goes out to that brave lawmaker. #TransRightsAreHumanRights #KeepFighting
#transrightsarehumanrights #keepfighting
RT @alimay101234
Because of MSM radio silence, Team Assange London are your TV screen on the street, putting Julian Assange's story in your reality. Every Saturday, Piccadilly Circus London, 4-6pm.
#KeepFighting #FreeAssangeNOW
Αύριο έχουμε το πρώτο επανέλεγχο μετα τη κατοίκων νοσηλεία μας. Απο τη πρώτη μέρα που γυρίσαμε απλά για να σβήσουμε ουσιαστικά στο σπίτι μας μέχρι καί τώρα ένα θαύμα δρόμος. Πολλά ξενύχτια αγκαλιά στο πλακάκι, πολλά κλάματα πολλές ενέσεις, τροφή με σύριγγα πρωτεϊνη κτλ. Και να μαστε, αρχίσαμε να τρώμε σιγά σιγά, βγάλαμε τον όρο, κάναμε τα χουρ χουρ μας καί πετάξαμε καί ένα καλό μπάνιο #blessed #keepfighting
Es rührt mich jedes mal, wenn ich von dieser Krankheit höre.
Leider habe ich 2 schwere Fälle im Bekanntenkreis / Freundeskreis..
Könnte jedes mal HEULEN
#demenz #alzheimer
RT @realaydemir
Bruce Willis, der vor kurzem wegen Aphasie seine Karriere beendete, leidet an einer seltenen Form einer schnell fortschreitenden #Demenz😢
Viel Kraft du coolster Hund von #Hollywood🙏
#Brucewillis #legend #KeepFighting
#demenz #alzheimer #hollywood #brucewillis #legend #keepfighting
RT @TaraCleary13
"I have given up years of my own liberty for the risks we have taken at Wikileaks to bring truth to the public." -Julian Assange
#keepfighting #freeassangenow #freeassange
La parole du sage. quand #KenLoach nous adresse un message, soyons ses messagers.
#StopMacron et son dogme.
#kenloach #keepfighting #stopmacron
RT @tigresseleanor@twitter.com
As a socialist, perhaps an empath, you are going to lose battles and you will lose time & time again. There will always be another battle, as this World & the people in it are not perfect.
But if you give up they will go further than you can ever imagine. #Keepfighting
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tigresseleanor/status/1619806214409564160
We’re living in a world where scam and fraud from #BigPharma are tolerated and go on unpunished while people are suffering from serious adverse effects or dying. Those who support this system shall pay eventually. #keepfighting https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-deceptive-campaign-for-bivalent-covid-boosters-cdc-fda-biden-vaccines-moderna-pfizer-wuhan-imprinting-11674400955
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1617456811937775616
Even if your voice shakes. Even if no one believes your motives. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Especially when it’s uncomfortable.
#KeepFighting #Antiracism #Racism #Hate #Bigotry #WhiteSupremacy #YourVoiceMatters #Unity #Peace #Fight #Quotes #Thoughts #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #SpeakYourMind #JoinIn #Friday #Boost
#keepfighting #antiracism #racism #hate #bigotry #whitesupremacy #yourvoicematters #unity #peace #fight #quotes #thoughts #blm #blacklivesmatter #speakyourmind #joinin #friday #boost
Today marks 9 years since Michael Schumacher's skiing accident.
A documentary that reminds us of just how incredible and dominant Schumacher was at the height of his Formula 1 years, "Michael Schumacher - The Making of a Legend".
#keepfightingmichael #MichaelSchumacher #keepfighting #f1
Αν δεν έχεις ζήσει με δικό σου άνθρωπο το δράμα του αλκοολισμό, δεν ξέρεις τι πάει να πει απελπισία καί ενοχή...
#αλκοολισμος #keepfighting #staystrong
#αλκοολισμος #keepfighting #staystrong
Stopped in my local restaurant Mavericks in New Levbanon NY where the owner enthused about my recent battle with Consolidated Communications' long outage. Super excited to tell him I am now an official top fan of con-com on Facebook and intend to use it next time I call. Even Mr. Bill was excited. I enjoy a breakfast special and the fruits of my Labor. #keepfighting #battleTheMan #consolidatedCommunications #smallTown #newlebanonNY
#newlebanonny #smalltown #consolidatedcommunications #battletheman #keepfighting
Just a few more days until you can request your ballot to #VoteFromAbroad for 2023. https://votefromabroad.org ...so you can #KeepFighting as encouraged in the toot below:
From my walk. That mural hit me right in the heart.