Keep on keeping on. Keep on being kind. Keep on looking out for each other. Keep on trying to make things better for everyone. #FollowBackFriday #KeepFightingFascisim
#followbackfriday #keepfightingfascisim
Keep on keeping on. Keep on being kind. Keep on looking out for each other. Keep on trying to make things better for everyone. #FollowBackFriday #KeepFightingFascisim
#followbackfriday #keepfightingfascisim
Introduction post, here goes. I’m very much on the left and would describe myself as a #Socialist . I was on another server but it crashed so here I am.
I work at a homeless shelter and try to see the best in everyone. Not always easy nowadays. Too much hate and divide for my liking. Can’t stand the Tories and desperately want change in this country.
Maybe I’m just a dreamer, but hoping I’m not the only one. #keepthefaith #keepfightingfascisim
#socialist #keepthefaith #keepfightingfascisim