You find many strange things abandoned outside of Glasgow pubs on a Sunday morning, but this is the first time I've found a piano! Needless to say, someone had been sick on it.
#glasgow #sundaymorning #saturdaynightinglasgow #saturdaynight #calton #glasgowpubs #nightlife #themorningafter #piano #abandonedpiano #streetlife #peoplemakeglasgow #keepglasgowweird
#keepglasgowweird #PeopleMakeGlasgow #streetlife #abandonedpiano #piano #themorningafter #nightlife #glasgowpubs #Calton #saturdaynight #saturdaynightinglasgow #sundaymorning #glasgow
No Entry Thief, Duke Street, Glasgow.
I love it when I stumble across things like this.
#glasgow #dukestreet #noentry
#roadsigns #streetart #grafitti #keepglasgowweird #glasgowstreetart
#glasgowstreetart #keepglasgowweird #grafitti #streetart #roadsigns #noentry #dukestreet #glasgow
This has got to be the weirdest addition I've ever seen to a Glasgow tenement. It seems like there's barely enough floor space to stand in it, but at least they've tried to make it blend in!
#glasgow #glasgowtenements #tenements #homeimprovements #keepglasgowweird #weirdextensions #extensions #glasgowarchitecture #architecture
#architecture #glasgowarchitecture #extensions #weirdextensions #keepglasgowweird #homeimprovements #tenements #glasgowtenements #glasgow
The latest offering from the Glasgow Penguins on the Kelvin Walkway in Glasgow is simply brilliant!
#glasgow #kelvinwalkway #penguins #glasgowpenguins #streetart #glasgowstreetart #peoplemakeglasgow #penguinsmakeglasgow #keepglasgowweird
#keepglasgowweird #penguinsmakeglasgow #PeopleMakeGlasgow #glasgowstreetart #streetart #glasgowpenguins #penguins #kelvinwalkway #glasgow