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Keeping up Appearances.
#tvshows #KUP #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #Hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #humor
#tvshows #kup #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #Humor
"It's my sister Violet – the one with a Mercedes, swimming pool/sauna and room for a pony".
Keeping up Appearances.
#tvshows #KUP #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #Hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #humor @oldbritishtelly
#tvshows #kup #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #Humor
Keeping Up Appearances 5x03 "Hyacinth is Alarmed" ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ #KeepingUpAppearances #trakt
Bestaan er eigenlijk ouders die vol zelfvertrouwen weten wat ze moeten doen met hun kinderen, of zijn er hooguit ouders die naar buiten toe de schijn goed kunnen ophouden?
#opvoeding #kinderen #jekrijgterzoveelvoorterug #keepingupappearances #durftevragen #dtv
#dtv #durftevragen #keepingupappearances #jekrijgterzoveelvoorterug #kinderen #opvoeding
Bestaan er eigenlijk ouders die vol zelfvertrouwen weten wat ze moeten doen met hun kinderen, of zijn er hooguit ouders die naar buiten toe de schijn goed kunnen ophouden?
#opvoeding #kinderen #jekrijgterzoveelvoorterug #keepingupappearances
#keepingupappearances #jekrijgterzoveelvoorterug #kinderen #opvoeding
Well, there has been a few actors that have appeared in #DoctorWho that would later become main characters in #KeepingUpAppearances
Clive Swift (Richard Bucket): Jobel (Revelation of the Daleks) and Mr. Cooper (Voyage of the Damned)
Geoffrey Hughes (Onslow): Mr. Popplewick (The Ultimate Foe)
Judy Cornwell (Daisy): Maddy (ep. Paradise)
#doctorwho #keepingupappearances
“This is not a cornflake establishment“.
#Breakfast #goodmorning #Morning #HyacinthBucket #KeepingUpAppearances #BritishTV #TelevisionShow #TVShow #Cornflakes @oldbritishtelly
#breakfast #goodmorning #morning #hyacinthbucket #keepingupappearances #BritishTV #televisionshow #tvshow #cornflakes
So, iOS 16.4 will include a Hyacinth emoji, which means that we can finally pair it up with this emoji: 🪣
It’s all about the party line..
#PartyLine #Telephone #GoldenGirls #daria #KeepingUpAppearances #Gem #BeaArthur #Shana #HyacinthBucket #PrincipalLi
#partyline #telephone #goldengirls #daria #keepingupappearances #gem #beaarthur #shana #hyacinthbucket #principalli
"Did he buy the Frisbee?"
Keeping up Appearances.
#tvshows #KUP #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #Hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #humor @oldbritishtelly
#tvshows #kup #keepingupappearances #britishcomedy #hyacinth #hyacinthbucket #retro #popculture #1990s #90stv #comedy #Humor
This made me laugh WAY too much. No idea who made it, but thank you.
#keepingupappearances #funny #britcom
"Mrs. Duck-it"
"It's Du-cah"
Tangential ancestor to "Bucket" / "Bouquet"? 😅
#doctorwho #keepingupappearances
Jag blev så deprimerad av min självömkan att jag tittade på ett par avsnitt av "QI", ett program som alltid får mig att asgarva, på BBC Brit. Trots att jag sett just dessa avsnitt 2-3 gånger tidigare så blev mitt humör betydligt bättre. Så pass bra att jag såg ett par avsnitt av "Skenet bedrar" också mellan rundorna i tvättstugan.
#qi #StephenFry #SandiToksvig #keepingupappearances #britishhumor
#britishhumor #keepingupappearances #sanditoksvig #StephenFry #Qi
Hyacinth Bucket
#KeepingUpAppearances #BBC #BritishTV #90sTelevision #Hyacinthbucket #Retro #Vintage
#keepingupappearances #bbc #BritishTV #90stelevision #hyacinthbucket #retro #vintage
Warm-hearted and engaging #review Keeping Up Appearances by Tricia Stringer #read #fiction #AussieAuthor #Ausbooks #Ausreading #ausbookbloggers #KeepingUpAppearances
#review #read #fiction #aussieauthor #ausbooks #ausreading #ausbookbloggers #keepingupappearances