🚨 #Etiopia 🇪🇹
L'accesso ai servizi #Internet mobile è stato interrotto nella regione Amhara dal 3 agosto 2023.
Attraverso una dichiarazione aperta , #AccessNow e la coalizione #KeepItOn denunciano le chiusure e sollecitano il governo dell'Etiopia a invertire la sua serie di imposizioni di chiusure di Internet in tempi di conflitto. #DigitalRights
cc: @quinta @informapirata @ossrepressione
#etiopia #Internet #accessnow #keepiton #digitalrights
Senegal: #KeepitOn in Senegal - Content Regulation For a Less Divisive Future https://allafrica.com/stories/202308040049.html #AllAfrica
It’s confirmed: no InternetShutdowns
under the DSA!
When @ThierryBreton
suggested blocking of online platforms could be justified in EU, we demanded an explanation!
We thank the EU for the clarity + call on all world leaders to make a stand + #KeepItOn!
The government of #Senegal has imposed an #InternetShutdown on mobile networks starting today (31 July) - https://pulse.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/senegal-government-imposes-mobile-internet-shutdown
As we've stated multiple times, shutdowns are not a solution and harm the people and economy. We need to #KeepItOn !
#senegal #internetshutdown #keepiton #internet
En définitive, M. Breton veut que la police puisse seule contrôler ce qui peut se dire en ligne. Or, le travail d'Access Now sur les coupures d'Internet rappelle qu'il s'agit d'une marque de fabrique des régimes autoritaires. L'UE ne peut prendre cette direction. #KeepItOn
Internet shutdowns:
⚙️ Disrupt productivity
💳 Prevent ecommerce
📉 Generate monetary losses for time-sensitive transactions
🚫 Increase unemployment
See the economic impact of an Internet shutdown with our Pulse site's new NetLoss Calculator:
#internet #internetaccess #internetshutdowns #keepiton
Pakistan's 4-day Internet shutdown in May led to:
📉USD 17M losses in GDP
💶 ~ USD 400K losses in Foreign Direct Investment
☹️123 job losses
🚫4% increase in risk of future shutdowns
❓unmeasurable impact on 10s millions who rely on the Internet
#keepiton #internetaccess #internetshutdowns #internet #pakistan
Today #Iraq continued its policy of shutting down the Internet during school exams for the sixth time since June 1.
As we've said before, #InternetShutdowns harm the economy and prevent people from communicating, collaborating, and connecting.
#iraq #internetshutdowns #keepiton #noexamshutdown
From our Pulse platform:
#Internet shutdown observed in #Senegal 🇸🇳. Access to social networks and messaging services have been blocked amid protests.
More at: https://pulse.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/senegal-blocks-social-media-and-instant-messaging-amidst-protests
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn
#internet #senegal #internetshutdowns #keepiton
From our Pulse platform:
Internet shutdown observed in #Mauritanie 🇲🇷. Mobile Internet access down after protests erupted over the death of a young man in custody.
More at: https://pulse.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/mauritania-blocks-mobile-internet-during-protests
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn
#mauritanie #internetshutdowns #keepiton #mauritania #internet #internetaccess
The #Iraq government has shut down the #Internet for 9th grade #exams today, June 1st. The #shutdown lasted 4 hours. Exams and shutdowns will continue through July.
Follow Iraq Internet connectivity in near realtime:
#iraq #internet #exams #shutdown #keepiton
Is this good news for #Iraq 🇮🇶? The Ministry of Communication has considered requests to not shutdown access to the #Internet during the upcoming general school exams.
#iraq #internet #noexamshutdown #keepiton #internetaccess
Internet shutdown observed in #Guinea 🇬🇳. There are reports of blocked social media and messaging services during ongoing protests.
More at:
#InternetShutdowns harm societies, economies, and the global Internet infrastructure. #KeepItOn #InternetAccess
#guinea #internetshutdowns #keepiton #internetaccess
The Internet should NOT be…
🚫 Shut down ahead of elections or school exams.
🚫 Controlled by corporations and governments.
🚫 Used to undermine societies and economies.
Preserving an open, globally secure, connected, and trustworthy #Internet is in everyone’s best interest.
#internet #internetaccess #keepiton
🔴Los cortes de Internet que pretenden reprimir el pueblo iraní deben terminar ya.
Como parte de la coalición #KeepItOn nos unimos al llamamiento urgente a la comunidad internacional para que el gobierno iraní cese los cortes a Internet durante protestas.
👋Привозимо вже другу партію батарей для українських провайдерів – у випадку відключень світла провайдери зможуть ще 2-3 доби забезпечувати користувачів інтернетом via @eQualitie
Cпівпрацюємо з Мінцифрою, DEPS та АППК
#провайдери #KeepitOn
RT @eQualitie
2nd shipment of 184 batteries (12V 100Ah Deep Cycle Lithium) on their way to Ukrainian ISPs - helping to power the fibre optic network during electricity outages.
Delivery with hel…
RT @accessnow
URGENT: BRAZIL | According to Flávio Dino, Minister of Justice, a court has decided to "temporarily" suspend the services of @telegram_br https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/26/briefing/brazil-telegram-ban.html
#KIO #KeepitOn
Shutdowns in the MENA region take many forms, but year after year, the region has led the world in exam-related shutdowns.
With the 2023 exam season quickly approaching, authorities must guarantee #NoExamShutdown! #KeepItOn