#ICYMI: The The #RandomReadingListGenerator was #FirstCreated in #TwitterWorld before #SpaceKarenX turned it into the #GoToHellscape it has become #Today...
#IF you're #Afraid you might #LearnSomething...
#KeepOnScrollin', #Baby...
#IT'll be #IceCreamTime... #Soon...
π»βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ» | π¦Ήπ¨π§π¦π§π¨π¦Ή
#icymi #randomreadinglistgenerator #firstcreated #twitterworld #spacekarenx #gotohellscape #today #if #afraid #learnsomething #keeponscrollin #baby #it #icecreamtime #soon
But... #ForBalance...
#IF you're #Fine with all the #PuerileIdeology and #StateSanctionedLarceny; #Then, #DontWorry your #PrettyLittleHead about #IT...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#forbalance #if #fine #puerileideology #statesanctionedlarceny #then #dontworry #prettylittlehead #it #keeponscrollin
But... #ForBalance...
#IF you're #Fine with all the #PeurieIdeology and #StateSanctionedLarceny; #Then, #DontWorry your #PrettyLittleHead about #IT...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#forbalance #if #fine #peurieideology #statesanctionedlarceny #then #dontworry #prettylittlehead #it #keeponscrollin
"#KeepOnScrollin', #Baby..."
"#BackUp, #BackUp; #TellMe what you #GonnaDoNow ..."
π§ππ€πΊπ€ππ§ | ππ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπ
Gwen Stefani: Hollaback Girl (Matt Moss Banana Vocal Mix)
#keeponscrollin #baby #backup #tellme #gonnadonow
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#openletter #dearreplyguys #keeponscrollin #loveandkissesandfuckoff