Si la guerre en Ukraine n'était pas aussi dramatique, je trollerais certaines statistiques de régularité qu'on nous présente ailleurs.
RT @AKamyshin
Because of all that disaster with #TurkeyQuake, I forgot to share some good news. On Saturday we got yet another ever best day in OTP (On-Time Performance):
- 98% trains depart on time
- 97% trains arrive on time.
#keeprunningonschedule #turkeyquake
Yesterday we had yet another best day in passenger trains schedule performance! 95% departure in time and 96% arrived in time. That's the best result for all time of my monitoring. #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
In the midst of an existential threat to their country.
An invasion, and a fight to survive?
The #Ukrainian #Railway is operating at an incredible level of #service and #capacity
Yesterday we had yet another best day in passenger trains schedule performance! 95% departure in time and 96% arrived in time. That's the best result for all time of my monitoring. #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
#keeprunningonschedule #SlavaUkraini #capacity #service #railway #ukrainian
Kann das mal jemand dem Vorstand der zeigen. Vielleicht könnte ja nach dem Krieg sich mal um die Pünktlichkeit der Züge in Deutschland kümmern...
Yesterday we had yet another best day in passenger trains schedule performance! 95% departure in time and 96% arrived in time. That's the best result for all time of my monitoring. #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
On time performance of the Ukrainian railway. 👏🏼🥳
Yesterday we had yet another best day in passenger trains schedule performance! 95% departure in time and 96% arrived in time. That's the best result for all time of my monitoring. #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
Ukrainian Railways reporting 95-96% punctuality stats...
Yesterday we had yet another best day in passenger trains schedule performance! 95% departure in time and 96% arrived in time. That's the best result for all time of my monitoring. #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
If you're traveling this week, please be aware that we're expecting #russians shelling Ukrainian railway infrastructure again and again. Actually they didn't stop for a day. So we regularly find shit like this on our tracks, demine it and #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
#keeprunningonschedule #russians
If you're traveling this week, please be aware that we're expecting #russians shelling Ukrainian railway infrastructure again and again. Actually they didn't stop for a day. So we regularly find shit like this on our tracks, demine it and #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
#keeprunningonschedule #russians
If you're traveling this week, please be aware that we're expecting #russians shelling Ukrainian railway infrastructure again and again. Actually they didn't stop for a day. So we regularly find shit like this on our tracks, demine it and #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
#russians #keeprunningonschedule
If you're traveling this week, please be aware that we're expecting #russians shelling Ukrainian railway infrastructure again and again. Actually they didn't stop for a day. So we regularly find shit like this on our tracks, demine it and #KeepRunningOnSchedule.
#russians #keeprunningonschedule
That's a wonderful idea! The #IronPeople of have been doing a stellar job and made a lot of sacrifices in order to #keeprunning and #keeprunningonschedule even, despite the daily shelling and power outages. They have been absolutely vital in this war.
#keeprunningonschedule #KeepRunning #IronPeople
Shelling of #Chaplyne station.
As of morning, 25 killed, including 2 children and 3 railwaymen. 31 injured, including 2 children and 4 railwaymen.
Even after days like yesterday, we stand up and #KeepRunningOnSchedule to bring the victory closer.
#keeprunningonschedule #chaplyne