Yay I've finally won with #LitterLotto π Over 2000 items binned and got my first spot prize π This was on a #recycling #LitterPick where I was only collecting things that could go in the recycling bin, mostly cans - won with an #IrnBru can - few glass bottles and a couple of plastic bottles.
#keepscotlandtidy #keepscotlandbeautiful #irnbru #litterpick #recycling #litterlotto
#FlyingDog doing my bit to keep our beach nice and tidy! We did a #LitterPick on our way back along the beach and collected a carrier bag of rubbish including a lot of #PlasticWaste which was safely disposed of in the bin and gave us some #LitterLotto entries!
#DogsOfMastodon #BorderCollie #BorderColliesOfMastodon #HoverDog #PawsOnPlastic #KeepScotlandBeautiful #Take3ForTheSea
#take3forthesea #keepscotlandbeautiful #pawsonplastic #hoverdog #bordercolliesofmastodon #bordercollie #dogsofmastodon #litterlotto #plasticwaste #litterpick #flyingdog
π βLooking for #businesses that sell #takeaway hot and cold drinks in the area around the #NC500 route to join the #Highland Cup Movement. A reusable cup scheme will be trialled from March, and we are seeking businesses who want to find out more.β
#zerowastescotland #keepscotlandbeautiful #highland #NC500 #takeaway #businesses